Page 159 - Istiadat Konvo UM 2018
P. 159

                     Continuation of the Convocation Ceremony    The adjournment of the Convocation Ceremony
                     •   Toh Puan Pro-Canselor mengisytiharkan pembukaan   •   Toh Puan Pro-Canselor mengisytiharkan Istiadat
                        Istiadat Konvokesyen                        Konvokesyen ditangguhkan
                        The Toh Puan Pro-Chancellor declares the opening of the   The Toh Puan Pro-Chancellor declares the adjournment
                        Convocation Ceremony                        of the Convocation Ceremony
                     BACAAN DOA SELAMAT                          Majlis diminta berdiri / Congregation to arise
                                                                 LAGU UNIVERSITI MALAYA
                     UCAPAN TOH PUAN PRO-CANSELOR                The University of Malaya song
                     The address of Toh Puan Pro-Chancellor
                                                                 PERARAKAN BESAR MENINGGALKAN DEWAN
                     •   Toh Puan Pro-Canselor berucap kepada Majlis  The grand procession leaves the hall
                        The Toh Puan Pro-Chancellor addresses the congregation
                                                                 •   Perarakan besar meninggalkan dewan mengikut
                     PENGANUGERAHAN GELARAN PROFESOR EMERITUS       susunan berikut:
                     The conferment of the title of the Emeritus Professorship  The grand procession leaves the hall in the following
                     •   Pemidato Umum memperkenalkan penerima gelaran
                        Profesor Emeritus:                          •  Bentara / Esquire Bedell
                        The Public Orator introduces the recipient of Emeritus
                        Professorship:                              •  Toh Puan Pro-Canselor / Toh Puan Pro-Chancellor
                                                                    •  Tan Sri Pro-Canselor / Tan Sri Pro-Chancellors
                                                                    •  Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah / Chairman, Board of
                        •  Datuk Dr. Norma Mansor
                     UCAPAN PROFESOR EMERITUS                       •  Naib Canselor / Vice-Chancellor
                     The speech by the Emeritus Professor           •  Pendaftar / Registrar
                                                                    •  Penerima Gelaran Profesor Emeritus / Recipient of
                     •   Profesor Emeritus menyampaikan ucapan penerimaan  Emeritus Professorship
                        The Emeritus Professor delivers her acceptance speech  •  Para Ahli Lembaga Pengarah / Members of the Board of
                                                                    •  Para Timbalan Naib Canselor / Pengurusan Universiti /
                     PENGANUGERAHAN IJAZAH SARJANA                     e  ty  ice  h nce  ors   University   n  e ent
                     The conferment of Master’s Degree              •  Para Naib Canselor/Rektor Universiti Tempatan / Vice
                                                                       h nce  ors    ectors of     ic Universities
                     •   Para graduan Ijazah Sarjana dianugerahkan ijazah masing-  •  Pemidato Umum / Public Orator
                        masing                                      •  Pembaca Doa / Prayer Reciter
                        The Master’s Degree graduands are conferred their degrees  •  Penolong Naib Canselor / Associate Vice Chancellors
                                                                    •  Para Pengarah Akademi / Directors of Academies
                     HADIAH-HADIAH                                  •  Para Dekan Fakulti/Institut / Deans of Faculties/Institutes
                     Awards                                         •  Para Pengarah Institut/Pusat / Directors of Institutes/
                     •   Naib Canselor menyebut Hadiah Buku dan Pingat  •  Para Ahli Senat / The Senate
                        The Vice-Chancellor mentions the Book Prizes and Medals  •  Profesor Emeritus / Emeritus Professor
                                                                    •  Presiden & Setiausaha, Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar /
                                                                      President & Secretary, Students’ Representative Council
                                                                    •  Staf Akademik / Academic staff
                                                                 PARA SISWAZAH MENINGGALKAN DEWAN
                                                                 Graduates leave the hall
                                                                 MAJLIS BERSURAI
                                                                 End of session

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