Page 22 - Istiadat Konvo UM 2018
P. 22

Institute of Chartered Accountants England   of Australia, SMBG-Eduniversal France, Royal
             and Wales, Certified Practicing Accountants   College of Surgeons of England UK, Institute
             of Australia, SMBG-Eduniversal France, Royal   of Physics & Engineering in Medicine UK,
             College of Surgeons of England UK, Institute of   Association of MBA, UK, Association to Advance
             Physics & Engineering in Medicine UK, Association   Collegiate Schools of Business, Royal Society
             of MBA, UK, Association to Advance Collegiate   of Chemistry, UK and many others. These
             Schools of Business, Royal Society of Chemistry,   attained recognitions proves that the academic
             UK dan banyak lagi. Pengiktirafan yang diterima   programmes offered at UM are not only relevant
             ini membuktikan bahawa program akademik     locally but also on par with the global standards.
             yang ditawarkan di UM bukan sahaja relevan   In 2018, UM also received regional recognition
             dalam negara malah setanding dengan piawaian   through institutional assessment by the ASEAN
             antarabangsa. Pada tahun 2018, UM turut     University Network - Quality Assurance (AUN-
             menerima pengiktirafan serantau melalui     QA) to ensure the quality assurance of UM as a
             penilaian institusi oleh ASEAN University Network   world-renowned institution of higher learning.
             - Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) bagi memastikan
             jaminan kualiti UM sebagai sebuah institusi     As the most prestigious university in the
             pengajian tinggi yang ternama di peringkat   country, UM is striving to accomplish greater
             antarabangsa.                               excellence in becoming an internationally
                                                         renowned institution of higher learning in
                 Sebagai universiti terulung di negara ini,   research, innovation, publication and teaching.
             UM terus meningkatkan usaha dalam mencapai
                                                         (Update as of October 2018)
             kecemerlangan yang lebih tinggi untuk menjadi
             institusi pengajian tinggi yang ternama di
             peringkat antarabangsa dalam penyelidikan,
             inovasi, penerbitan dan pengajaran.
             (Terkini pada Oktober 2018)

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