Page 91 - Istiadat Konvo UM 2018
P. 91

                     The opening of the Convocation Ceremony     The adjournment of the Convocation Ceremony
                     •   Tuanku Canselor mengisytiharkan pembukaan Istiadat   •   Tuanku Canselor mengisytiharkan Istiadat
                        Konvokesyen                                  Konvokesyen ditangguhkan
                        The Tuanku Chancellor declares the opening of the   The Tuanku Chancellor declares the adjournment of
                        Convocation Ceremony                         the Convocation Ceremony
                     BACAAN DOA SELAMAT
                     Prayer                                      Majlis diminta berdiri / Congregation to arise
                     TITAH TUANKU CANSELOR                       LAGU UNIVERSITI MALAYA
                                                                 The University of Malaya song
                     The address of Tuanku Chancellor
                     •   Tuanku Canselor bertitah kepada Majlis  PERARAKAN BESAR MENINGGALKAN DEWAN
                        The Tuanku Chancellor addresses the congregation
                                                                 The grand procession leaves the hall
                     UCAPAN NAIB CANSELOR                        •   Perarakan besar meninggalkan dewan mengikut
                     The speech by the Vice-Chancellor               susunan berikut:
                                                                     The grand procession leaves the hall in the following
                     •   Naib Canselor berucap kepada Majlis         order:
                        The Vice-Chancellor delivers his speech
                                                                     •  Bentara / Esquire Bedell
                     PENGURNIAAN IJAZAH KEHORMAT                     •  Tuanku Canselor / Tuanku Chancellor
                     The conferment of Honorary Degree               •  Toh Puan Pro-Canselor / Toh Puan Pro-Chancellor
                                                                     •  Tan Sri Pro-Canselor / Tan Sri Pro-Chancellors
                     •   Pemidato Umum memperkenalkan penerima Ijazah
                        Kehormat:                                    •  Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah / Chairman, Board of
                        The Public Orator introduces the Honorary Degree recipient:  Directors
                                                                     •  Naib Canselor / Vice Chancellor
                        •  Dato’ Dr. Mahmood Osman Merican           •  Pendaftar / Registrar
                          (Doktor Perubatan/Doctor of Medicine)      •  Penerima Gelaran Profesor Emeritus / Recipient of
                                                                       Emeritus Professorship
                     UCAPAN IJAZAH KEHORMAT                          •  Penerima Ijazah Kehormat / Recipient of Honorary Degree
                     The speech by the Honorary Graduate               Professorship
                                                                     •  Para Ahli Lembaga Pengarah / Members of the Board of
                     •   Siswazah Kehormat menyampaikan ucapan penerimaan  Directors
                        The Honorary Graduate delivers his acceptance speech
                                                                     •  Para Naib Canselor/ Rektor Universiti Tempatan / Vice
                                                                       Chancellors / Rectors of Public Universities
                     The conferment of the title of the Emeritus Professor  •  Para Timbalan Naib Canselor / Pengurusan Universiti /
                                                                       Deputy Vice Chancellors / University Management
                                                                     •  Pemidato Umum / Public Orator
                     •   Pemidato Umum memperkenalkan penerima gelaran
                        Profesor Emeritus:                           •  Pembaca Doa / Prayer Reciter
                        The Public Orator introduces the recipient of Emeritus   •  Para Penolong Naib Canselor / Associate Vice Chancellors
                        Professorship:                               •  Para Pengarah Akademi / Directors of Academies
                                                                     •  Para Dekan Fakulti/Institut / Deans of Faculties/Institutes
                        •  Ir. Dr. Masjuki Haji Hassan               •  Para Pengarah Institut/Pusat / Directors of Institutes/
                     UCAPAN PROFESOR EMERITUS                        •  Para Ahli Senat / The Senate
                     The speech by the Emeritus Professor            •  Profesor Emeritus / Emeritus Professor
                                                                     •  Presiden & Setiausaha, Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar /
                     •   Profesor Emeritus menyampaikan ucapan penerimaan
                        The Emeritus Professor delivers his acceptance speech  President & Secretary, Students’ Representative Council
                                                                     •  Penerima Anugerah Pelajaran Diraja / Royal Education
                     PENGURNIAAN ANUGERAH PELAJARAN DIRAJA             Award Recipients
                     The conferment of the Royal Education Award     •  Staf Akademik / Academic staff
                     •   TNC (A&A) mengumumkan penerima Anugerah Pelajaran   PARA SISWAZAH MENINGGALKAN DEWAN
                        DiRaja                                   Graduates leave the hall
                        DVC (A&A) announces the recipients of the Royal Education
                                                                 MAJLIS BERSURAI
                        •  Izzuddin bin Aman Shah                End of session
                        •  Chong Jing Sheng
                     The conferment of Doctoral Degree
                     •   Para graduan Kedoktoran dikurniakan ijazah masing-
                        The Doctoral graduands are conferred their degrees

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