Page 90 - Annual Report 2021
P. 90

Overview  Leadership  Message  Business Segment   Moving Forward  Our Resources  Working for a   Corporate   Financial
                                     Review         Plan                      Better Tomorrow  Governance  statements

          nOTES TO THE FInanCIaL STaTEmEnTS

          7.   inVEstMEnts in assOciatEs (cOnt’D)

             Except for UM Business Sdn. Bhd., and CBMTI Sdn. Bhd., the UMCB’s interest in these associates are held via nominees.

             ^   These associates were audited by other firms of chartered accountants.
             *    Although the proportion of shareholding held by the Group is 50% or more, the Group only has significant
                influence over these companies by virtue of the Shareholders’ Agreement which were entered into. Hence, these
                companies are neither jointly controlled entities nor subsidiaries of the Group.

                Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the associates but
                not the control or joint control over those policies.

          8.   Plant anD EQuiPMEnt

                                                    at                                 charges        at
                                                  1.1.2021    additions    Disposal    (note 23)    31.12.2021
                                                    rM          rM            rM          rM          rM
             the group


             Carrying Amount

             Renovation                          6,196,542    870,029            -     (556,973)   6,509,598
             Office equipment                       193,078       47,127         -        (56,924)         183,281
               Furniture and fittings               464,734    272,226           -       (115,792)        621,168
             IT equipment, licence and
                software development              2,860,11 8            1,064,292      -    (1,123,483)   2,800,927
             Electrical equipment                   762,532    250,823          (3)        (311,884)       701,468
               Machinery                                -     269,907            -        (23,237)      246,670
             Medical equipment                   3,541,638    1,065,551          (31,791)     (822,412)   3,752,986
             Motor vehicles                          321,219        -            -      (100,273)     220,946
             Work-in-progress                       902,982   1,610,035          -            -      2,513,017
                                                15,242,843   5,449,990        (31,794)   (3,110,978)   17,550,061

       90      UM Holdings Group
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