Page 64 - AEI Insights 2018 Vol 4 Issue 1
P. 64

AEI Insights, Vol 4, Issue 1, 2018

               EUR-Lex.  (2013)  Regulation  (EU)  No  347/2013  of  the  European  Parliament  and  of  the
                 Council.       Accessed         on       26/10/2017.
               Hathaway, O. (2008). International Delegation and State Sovereignty. Law and Contemporary
                 Problems, 71(1), 115-149. Retrieved from
               Jogtár.  (2013).  2013.  évi  LIV.  Törvény  a  rezsicsökkentések  végrehajtásáról  /  2013  Law
                 concerning     utility   pricing     in    Hungary.      Accessed     on     26/10/2017.
               Jogtár.  (2015).  2015.  évi  LXXXI.  Törvény  az  adózással  összefüggő  egyes  törvények
                 módosításáról / 2015 Law concerning the modification of the Hungarian tax code. Accessed
                 on 26/10/2017.
               Központi Statisztikai Hivatal / Central Agency for Government Statistics. A közfoglalkoztatás
                 keretében  foglalkoztatottak  munkaügyi  adatai  (költségvetés)  /  Statistics  relating  to  those
                 participating   in   the   public   works   programme.     Accessed     on   26/10/2016.
               Krasner, S. (2001). Sovereignty. Foreign Policy, (122), 20-29. doi:10.2307/3183223
               Kyl, J, Feaith D. J., Fonte, J. (2013) The War of Law: How New International Law Undermines
                 Democratic Sovereignty.  Foreign Affairs, Vol. 92, No. 4, pp. 115-125
               Magyarország Kormánya / Government of Hungary. (2017). Nemzeti Konzultáció. Accessed
                 on  31/07/2017.  (the  content  of  the  site  has  been
                 replaced with the new National Consultation)
               Magyarország Kormánya /  Government  of Hungary. (2017)  Nemzeti Konzultáció a Soros-
                 tervrõl / National Consultation about the Soros Plan. (hardcopy questionnaire and supporting
               Nayar, J. (2014). On the Elusive Subject of Sovereignty, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political,
                 Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 124-147.
               Pricewaterhousecoopers  (PWC).  Hungary  –  Corporate  (Other  Taxes).  Accessed  on
               Simms, B. (2012). Towards a mighty union: how to create a democratic European superpower.
                 International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-), Vol. 88, No. 1 (January
                 2012), pp. 49-62.
               Thomson, J. (1995). State Sovereignty in International Relations: Bridging the Gap between
                 Theory  and  Empirical  Research.  International  Studies  Quarterly,  39(2),  213-233.
               United Nations High Commission for Refugees. (1951/67) Convention and Protocol Relating
                 to the Status of Refugees. Accessed on 26/10/2017.

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