P. 23

◄Faculty of Business and Economics►

                 AA037016                     INDUSTRY STATISTICAL PROJECT
                 4 Credits

                 Course Pre-                  AA037002, AA037003 and AA037004

                 Learning Outcomes            At the end of this course, the students are able to:
                                             (1)  Relate application of statistics in the industry to statistical
                                                  theories and methods;
                                             (2)  Develop practitioner skills through experiential learning;
                                             (3)  Build  working relations with the industry;
                                             (4)  Adopt  ethical  practices  in  the  conduct  of  statistical
                                             (5)  Prepare a practitioner-oriented report.

                 Synopsis of Course           This course enables the students to gain industry experience
                 Contents                     through  exposure  to the  use  of  statistics  in  the private  and
                                              public sectors as well as the civil society. The students will
                                              conduct  a  project  grounded  on  the  application  of  statistical
                                              methods  involving  input  from  practitioners  in  a  chosen
                                              company/firm/organization. The application of statistics should
                                              be synthesized in the form of (a) statistical consulting,
                                              (b)   organizational   statistical   problem   solving,   (c)
                                              implementation  of  new  statistical  systems,  or  (d)  review  of
                                              existing statistical systems in the organization. At the end of
                                              the project, the students shall write a report of no more than
                                              10,000 words. The report should be practitioner-oriented and
                                              contain  a  reflection  to  relate  the  industry  experience  to  the
                                              context  of  the  programme  of  study.  The  supervision  of
                                              students will involve lecturers from the department and staff
                                              from  the  chosen  company/firm/organization,  starting  from
                                              conception  of  the  project  to  project  completion.  The  stages
                                              covered  are  identifying  an  organization,  determining  the
                                              project  direction,  designing  the  analytical  framework,
                                              organizing the findings that include analysis, ensuring ethical
                                              practices, relating the industry experience to the context of the
                                              programme,  making  appropriate  recommendations,  and
                                              preparation of the report.
                 Assessment Weightage         Continuous Assessment: 100%
                                              Final Examination: None%

                 Medium of Instruction        English

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