P. 18

◄Faculty of Business and Economics►

                 AA037011                     OPERATIONS RESEARCH METHODS
                 3 Credits

                 Learning Outcomes            At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                              (1)  Formulate mathematical expressions to reflect real life
                                                   optimization problems
                                              (2)  Apply  appropriate  methods  for  solving  operation
                                                   research problems; and
                                              (3)  Interpret the results to facilitate decision making process

                 Synopsis of Course           Operations  Research,  also  referred  to  as  Management
                 Contents                     Science,  is  a  practical  and  scientific  approach  to  problem
                                              solving utilizing quantitative techniques.  This course covers
                                              several analytical methods including network analysis, linear
                                              programming,  Data  Envelopment  Analysis,  game  theory,
                                              integer  programming,  project  scheduling,  decision  analysis
                                              and queuing theory.  These methods can be used to analyse
                                              complex problems and improve decision making processes  in
                                              industry, business and the public sector.

                 Assessment Weightage         Continuous Assessment:  60%
                                              Final Examination: 40%

                 Medium of Instruction        English

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