P. 13

◄Faculty of Business and Economics►

                 AA037006                     FURTHER ECONOMETRICS
                 4 Credits

                 Learning Outcomes            At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                             (1)  Specify econometric techniques that are appropriate for
                                                  different types of data structure;
                                             (2)  Evaluate  appropriate  panel  data  approaches  to  the
                                                  analysis of panel data;
                                             (3)  Identify econometric models based on economic theory;
                                             (4)  Appraise findings of econometric techniques applied to
                                                  real-world data.

                 Synopsis of Course           This  course  is  designed  to  train  students  in  advanced
                 Contents                     econometric  applications  with  a  focus  on  autoregressive
                                              distributed lag (ARDL) models, cointegration, and panel data
                                              modeling.  Students  will  be  exposed  to  several  econometric
                                              methods,  and  are  required  to  read  journal  articles  in  the
                                              relevant areas on applications of these methods. Topics such
                                              as  short-  and  long-term  multipliers,  short-  and  long-run
                                              relationships, fixed and random effects panels, panel unit  root
                                              tests, non-stationarity panel, and diagnostic tests are covered
                                              in the course. Students will learn to communicate  the findings
                                              from applications of the techniques to real-world data.

                 Assessment Weightage         Continuous Assessment: 60%
                                              Final Examination: 40%

                 Medium of Instruction        English

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