P. 8

◄Faculty of Business and Economics►

                 AA037018                     RESEARCH PROJECT
                 10 Credits

                 Course Pre-                  AA0X7001
                 Learning Outcomes            At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                               (1)  Integrate  information  from  the  review  of  relevant
                                               (2)  Build and/or test and/or validate statistical models to be
                                                   applied in the research.
                                               (3)  Analyze   information/data   using   the   appropriate
                                                   statistical techniques and software;
                                               (4)  Adopt ethical practices in the conduct of research;
                                               (5)  Write a research report articulately.

                 Synopsis of Course           This course is designed as a capstone project to train students
                 Contents                     in conducting research in applied statistics.  Students will write
                                              a report for the project (15, 000 to 30, 000 words) that is carried
                                              out. Besides conducting an empirical research that involves
                                              application  of  statistics,  they  can  also  run  simulations,
                                              experiments,  or  propose  methodological  innovations  in
                                              applied  statistics.  Supervision  by  at  least  one  lecturer  will
                                              begin from the initial stage of research project development to
                                              report  preparation.  The  other  research  stages  that  are
                                              supervised include identifying research questions, designing
                                              research  framework,  reviewing  the  literature  (analysis,
                                              synthesis  and  critical  review  of  theoretical  and  empirical
                                              literature  from  recent  research),  collecting  information/data,
                                              conduct  analysis  using  appropriate  statistical  methods,
                                              ensuring  ethical  practices,  relating  findings  to  answer  the
                                              research questions, and making appropriate conclusions.

                 Assessment Weightage         Continuous Assessment:100%
                                              Final Examination: None

                 Medium of Instruction        English

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