P. 14

◄Faculty of Business and Economics►

                  AA047007                    CLIMATE CHANGE AND DEVELOPMENT
                  3 Credits

                  Course Learning             At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                              (1)  Analyse  critically  the  relationship  between  climate
                                                  change and development, potential impacts, and policy
                                                  tools available for policymakers.
                                              (2)  Evaluate  the  strengths  and  weaknesses  of  existing
                                                  climate-related  policies  and  proposed  mitigation  and
                                                  adaptation strategies to combat global climate change.
                                              (3)  Relate  critical  understanding  of  climate  change  to  the
                                                  respective industries.

                  Synopsis of Course          This course aims to develop students’ competencies in the
                  Contents                    fundamentals of climate change and development links, as
                                              well as to analyze the available policy tools to address the
                                              challenges  of  climate  change  adaptation  and  mitigation.  It
                                              covers a wide range of topics in the field of environmental
                                              development  with  a  special  focus  on  economic  and  social
                                              externalities, renewable energy resources, and technological
                                              innovation to fight against the potential  impacts of climate on
                                              various  sectors,  including  global  food  security.  Through
                                              various methods of learning in class, students will gain the
                                              necessary  knowledge  to  evaluate  the  strengths  and
                                              weaknesses of current and proposed climate mitigation and
                                              adaptation strategies.

                  Assessment Weightage        Continuous Assessment: 70%
                                              Final Examination: 30%

                  Medium of Instruction       English

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