P. 17

◄Faculty of Business and Economics►

                  AA047010                   ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION FOR
                  3 Credits                  DEVELOPMENT

                  Course Learning            At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                             (1) Analyse  critically  the  role  of  entrepreneurship  and
                                                 Innovation in socio-economic development.
                                             (2) Evaluate  the  types  and  importance  of  government
                                                 support policy for entrepreneurial development.
                                             (3) Evaluate  different  types  of  entrepreneurships  and
                                                 innovation including business assessment and how they
                                                 contribute to development.

                  Synopsis of Course         This  course  explores  and  positions  the  role  of
                  Contents                   entrepreneurship  and  innovation  as  agents  of  socio-
                                             economic  development.  Entrepreneurship  and  Innovation
                                             have proven to have a large impact on development including
                                             economic  growth,  alleviating  poverty  and  solving  social
                                             problems. The course provides a broader picture about the
                                             role of entrepreneurship and innovation in development by
                                             introducing students to theories of entrepreneurship as well
                                             as  innovation  systems.  It  also  exposes  students  to  the
                                             models of development around the world including the policy
                                             and  financing  supports  employed  by  different  countries.
                                             Discussion will also focus on how to make entrepreneurship
                                             and  innovation  work  for  development.  The  topics  include
                                             entrepreneurial  creativity  and  innovation,  entrepreneurial
                                             models, social entrepreneurship, women entrepreneurs, and
                                             public policy support for entrepreneurial development.

                  Assessment Weightage  Continuous Assessment: 70%
                                             Final Examination: 30%

                  Medium of Instruction      English

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