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◄Faculty of Economics and Administration►
Mokhzani Memorial Medal
The Mokhzani Memorial Medal (MMM) was established in memory of the late
Dato’ Dr. Mokhzani bin Abdul Rahim who passed away on June 15, 2003 by
Yayasan MEA. The M e d a l w a s l a u n c h e d on July 22, 2003 d u r i n g t h e
1 5 t h Malaysian Economic Association Convention, held in Kuala Lumpur. The
Senate of the University of Malaya officially approved the MMM and the
regulations pertaining to the Medal on April 22, 2004. The Medal is to be awarded
to the student with the best result and graduates with a Distinction from the Master
of Economics programme by Coursework.
The MMM is a tribute to the late Dato’ Dr. Mokhzani’s extraordinary contributions to
the Malaysian Economic Association, and to the development of the Faculty of
Economics and Administration, University of Malaya during his long and distinguished
career with the University.
The MMM was established with a donation of RM40,000 to the University of
Malaya. The donors are:-
1. The late Dato’ Siew Nim Chee
2. Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Lin See Yan
3. Dato’ Dr. R. Thillainathan
4. Mrs. Khoo Siew Mun
5. Tan Sri Dato’ Mohd. Sheriff Mohd. Kassim
6. Mr. Cheam Tat Peng
7. Dr. V. Selvaratnam
8. Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Obern
9. Yayasan MEA
The recipients of MMM:
2004: Ms. Ramna Veni a/p Petchimuthu
2005: Ms. Nurulhuda bt. Mohd. Satar
2006: Ms. Chuah Kue Peng
2007: Mr. Chew Chu Keng
2008: Ms. Ng Sheau Lan
2009: Mr. Puvaneswaran a/l Sanjivee
2010: Ms. Liew Lee Min
2011: Ms. Yogitha a/p Balakrishnan
2013: Ms. Joanne Kek Yen Ei
2014: -
2015: Mr. Ong Chu Sun
2016: Ms. Vidhya a/p Sathyamoorthy