Page 34 - index
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◄Faculty of Economics and Administration►

Nations, Abacus.
(8) Leibowitz, S. (2002). Re-thinking the Network
Economy, Am Man Assn.
(9) Lucas,R. E. (2002) Lectures on Economic Growth,
Harvard University Press.
(10) Mishkin, F.S. (2006). The Next Great Globalization,
Princeton University Press.
(11) OECD. (2001).Corporate Governance in Asia – A
Comparative Perspective.
(12) Prasad, E.,Rogoff, K. Shang-Jin Wei & Khose,
A.(2006). Financial Globalization – A Reappraisal,
(13) Prasad, E.,Rogoff, K. Shang-Jin Wei & Khose,
A.(2003).Effects of Financial Globalization on
Developing Countries, IMF Occassional Paper 220, .
(14) Shleifer, A, Vishny, R.W.(1997).“A Survey of
Corporate Governance”, Journal of Finance, Vol 52,
No 1, pp 35-55.
(15) Tirole Jean (2000), The Theory of Industrial
Organization, 2 Ed., MIT Press.
(16) Tirole, Jean (2006) The Theory of Corporate Finance,
Princeton University Press.
(17) Vulkan, Nir. (2003).The Economics of E-commerce,
Princeton University Press.
(18) Warsh D.(2006). Knowledge and the Wealth of
Nations, W.W. Norton & Co.
(19) Holzman, R,& Stiglitz J.E.(ed)(2001), New Ideas about
Old Age Security, The World Bank.
(20) Kotlikoff L.J. & S. Burns (2004). The Coming
Generational Storm, MIT Press.
(21) Modigliani, F & Muralidhar A.(2004). Rethinking
Pension Reform, Cambridge University Press.
(22) Takayama N.(Ed). (2005). Pensions in Asia:
Incentives, Compliance and Their Roles in Retirement
, Maruzen Co., Ltd, 2005.
(23) The World Bank. (1994). Averting Old Age Crisis.
Oxford University Press.


Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:

(1) Apply basic theory and recent advances in
international trade;
(2) Analyse international trade issues; and
(3) Debate critically on various policy questions pertaining
to international trade.
Synopsis of Course The course is divided into two parts. The first part focuses
Contents on the building blocks of positive trade theory, the effects of
different types of policy instruments and the welfare effects
of trade agreements. The second part of the course
explores some topics at the frontier of research in
international trade, namely the trade-wage debate,
networks, trade and poverty, trade and environment and
the political economy of trade policy.

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