Page 31 - index
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◄Faculty of Economics and Administration►
Main Reference (1) Cole , M., Trade Liberalization, Economics Growth
and the Environment, Edward Edgar. 2000.
(2) Randall, A., Resource Economics : An Economics
Approach to Natural Resource and Environmental
Policy, John Wiley and Son. 1987.
(3) Brack,. D., (eds), Trade and Environment : Conflict or
Compatibility, Island Press.1998.
(4) United Nation Environment Program (UNEP) :
Environment and Trade : A Handbook, IISD. 2000.
(5) Eyckmans, J., International Environment Agreements
and the Case of Global Warming, Centre of
Economics Studies, Catholic University, Lueven.
(6) Copeland, M., and Taylor, S., North –South Trade
and the Environment, Quarterly Journal of Economics
Vol. 24:755-786, 1994.
(7) Tobey, A., The Effect of Domestic Environmental
Policies on Pattern of World Trade : An Empirical
Test, Kyklos Vol. 43:191-209,1994.
Learning Outcomes At the end of this, students are able to:
(1) Relate the principles and practices of development as
viewed from sustainability perspective;
(2) Demonstrate the relationship between economic
growth and sustainability;
(3) Analyse the root causes of environmental and natural
resources degradation; and
(4) Assess appropriate policies and programmes
necessary to move towards sustainable growth.
Synopsis of Course Environmental issues play an important part in the news
Contents recently and public debate tends to focus on trade-offs
between sustainability and economic growth. Although
economic growth enables countries to deal with
environmental problems, experience thus far has
demonstrated more failures then successes. This course
will. First and foremost, focus on the principles and
practices of economic development and conservation will
be explored. It will then proceed to examine the common
underlying causes of environmental degradation, including
market and policy failure. Finally, it will also explain how
sound economic policies can benefit both the environment
and the economy, thus paving the way for growth with
Assessment Methods Continuous Assessment: 50%
Final Examination: 50%
Main Reference (1) Dixon, J.A. et al (1988). Economic Analysis of the
Environment Impacts of Development Projects,
London: Eartscan publication Ltd.
(2) Pierce, D.,Barbier, E.,Markandya, A. (1990).
(3) Development- Economic and Environment in the Third
World. London: Eartscan Publication Ltd.
(4) Panayotou, T. (1993). Green Market – The Economics
of Sustainable