Page 80 - PROSPECTUS FEA IT 17-18
P. 80
A Candidate is allowed to register for the Research Paper after completion of a minimum of fifteen (15) credit hours of courses
Step 1
Submit 1 Month before Semester Start Fill-in Forms (Pink Form)
(1) Application for Approval of Field of Research FEP(IT)211/2017(BI)
(2) Application for Appointment of Supervisor UM-PT01-PK02-BR002-S01
(at Postgraduate Office) UM-PT01-PK02-BR002-S00
Step 2
Upon Approval, the Postgraduate Office will update in the UMISIS
Step 3
Confirmation of Registration for the Research Paper Course
Register 10/12 Submit Research Register 5/6 ch (1 semester)
credit hours 1 month in advance for Paper
Notice Submission 3 months in advance for
Notice Submission Register 5/6 ch (2 semester)
Repeats Steps/ Processes
Step 4
(1) Give notice of submission for the Research Paper: Fill-in Forms (Blue Form)
1 month in advance for registered 9 credit hours Notice of Submission
Research Report
3 month in advance for registered 4/5 Credit hours in second semester
(2) Application for approval of Research Title (at Postgraduate Office, FEA)
Faculty reserves the right to give Pay Examination Fees. (at Bursary) SUBMIT
Failed (F) if candidate fails to submit.
No Extension will be given
STEP 6 Fill-in Forms (Yellow Form)
Submit latest by revision week. Submission of Research
Submission of three (3) copies of Research paper
Report for Examination
Refer for further work
Pass with correction EXAMINATION Candidate must register and
(1-3 Months)
resubmit Research Paper for
Pass examination within
4-6 month
Step 7
Submission of final copies of Research Paper after examination Fill-in Forms (Green Form)
(at Postgraduate Office, FEA) Final Submission for Research Paper