Page 80 - PROSPECTUS FEA IT 17-18
P. 80


               A Candidate is allowed to register for the Research Paper after completion of a minimum of fifteen (15) credit hours of courses

                                                      Step 1
              Submit 1 Month before Semester Start                 Fill-in Forms (Pink Form)
             (1)  Application for Approval of Field of Research      FEP(IT)211/2017(BI)
           (2)  Application for Appointment of Supervisor          UM-PT01-PK02-BR002-S01
                                (at Postgraduate Office)           UM-PT01-PK02-BR002-S00

                                                       Step 2
                                   Upon Approval, the Postgraduate Office will update in the UMISIS

                                                       Step 3
                                      Confirmation of Registration for the Research Paper Course

                Register 10/12                   Submit Research                  Register 5/6 ch (1 semester)
                credit hours    1 month in advance for   Paper
                                 Notice Submission                 3 months in advance for
                                                                     Notice Submission   Register 5/6 ch (2 semester)
         Repeats Steps/ Processes

                                                         Step 4
                      (1)  Give notice of submission for the Research Paper:      Fill-in Forms (Blue Form)
                           1 month in advance for registered 9 credit hours       Notice of Submission
                                                                                     Research Report
                           3 month in advance for registered 4/5 Credit hours in second semester
                      (2)  Application for approval of Research Title (at Postgraduate Office, FEA)

                    FAIL TO SUMBIT                     STEP 5
              Faculty reserves the right to give   Pay Examination Fees. (at Bursary)   SUBMIT
             Failed (F) if candidate fails to submit.
                No Extension will be given

                                                      STEP 6   Fill-in Forms (Yellow Form)
                Submit latest by revision week.               Submission of Research
                Submission of three (3) copies of Research paper
                                                               Report for Examination

                                                                                    Refer for further work
               Pass with correction                EXAMINATION                    Candidate must register and
                 (1-3 Months)
                                                                                  resubmit Research Paper for
                                                      Pass                           examination within
                                                                                         4-6 month

                                                      Step 7
              Submission of final copies of Research Paper after examination   Fill-in Forms (Green Form)
                 (at Postgraduate Office, FEA)                             Final Submission for Research Paper

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