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â—„Faculty of Economics and Administrationâ–ş

                                                           COURSE PRO FORMA

                                     EVX 8001 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

             Learning Outcomes           At the end of the course, students are able to:

                                         (1)  Identify the nature and process of academic research.
                                         (2)  Compare the advantages of the major research paradigms;
                                         (3)  Determine the paradigm appropriate to research;
                                         (4)  Evaluate  the  benefits  of  the  research  paradigm  they  use
                                             while taking steps to minimize its limitations;
                                         (5)  Defend various methods used in each stage of the entire
                                             research process.

             Synopsis of Course          Beginning  with  a  review  of  the  nature  of  academic  research,
             Contents                    the course details the major research paradigms (quantitative,
                                         qualitative,  mixed)  and  provides  an  overview  of  the  entire
                                         research process.  Research design as well as each stage of
                                         research process is then discussed together with the paradigm
                                         applicable.  The merits and drawbacks of each paradigm are
                                         made  explicit.    Concrete  examples  illustrate  the  discussions.
                                         The  course  concludes  with  academic  writing  for  theses  and
                                         research papers.

             Assessment                  Continuous Assessment: 100%
                                         Final Examination: -

             Main References :

             (1)  Creswell (2013). Research Design. 4  ed. Sage.
             (2)  Denzin and Lincoln (2005). The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research. 3  ed.: Sage
             (3)  Ethridge (2004). Research Methodology in Applied Economics. 2  ed. Blackwell
             (4)  Neuman (2013). Social Research Methods. 7  ed. Pearson.
             (5)  Website:
             (6)  Mette Baran (2016). Mixed Methods Research for Improved Scientific Study. IGI Global.
             (7)  Linda Bloomberg & Marie Volpe (2016). Qualitative Dissertation: A Road Map from
                 Beginning to End, Third Edition. Sage Publication

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