Page 89 - PROSPECTUS FEA IT 17-18
P. 89
â—„Faculty of Economics and Administrationâ–ş
Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:
(1) Interpret the statistical problem of interest that achieves a
specific objective in the analysis of data;
(2) Determine statistical methodologies that address the
statistical problem of interest;
(3) Evaluate the developments in the theoretical and empirical
literature regarding the selected methodologies;
(4) Investigate empirically the application of these
methodologies; and
(5) Evaluate critically the findings in the light of the specific
objective to be achieved.
Synopsis of Course This course covers special topics in statistics required by the
Contents student in his/her research. Typically these topics will be from
Industrial Statistics, Econometrics, Biostatistics or Social
Statistics. The main objective of the course is to develop
expertise in the statistical methodologies required to address a
specific objective in the analysis of data. The student learns to
define the related statistical problem of interest, identify and
assess various methodologies in the literature that address this
problem and then select the one best suited for his or her
research needs. For this method (or these methods), the student
investigates the theoretical and empirical developments as well
as its (their) application to a data set with given characteristics.
Finally, through the critical evaluation of findings, the student is
able to determine the appropriate statistical methodology to
address a specific objective in the analysis of data. The student is
required to do a presentation and submit an essay (5,000 to
8,000 words) at the end of the course.
Assessment Continuous Assessment: 100%
Final Examination: -
Main References :
(1) Greene, W. (2012) Econometric Analysis, New York: Pearson Education, Inc. 7th Edition.
(2) Johnson, R.A. and D. W. Wichern (2014) Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis. London:
Pearson Education Limited. 6th Edition.
(3) Felix Abramovich & Ya'acov Ritov (2013). Statistical Theory: A Concise Introduction, CRC