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â—„Faculty of Economics and Administrationâ–ş

             (3) Richard  Peet,  Elaine  Hartwick,  Theories  of  Development:  Contentions,  Arguments,
                 Alternatives, Guilford Press, 2009
             (4)  Gilbert  Rist,  The  History  of  Development:  From  Western  Origins  to  Global  Faith,  4th
                 edition Zed Books, 2014
             (5)   Alain  de  Janvry & Elisabeth  Sadoulet (2016).  Development  Economics:  Theory  and
                 Practice, Routledge.
             (6) Alain  de  Janvry & Elisabeth  Sadoulet (2016).  Development  Economics:  Theory  and
                 Practice, Routledge.
             (7) Michael Todaro & Stephen Smith (2015). Economic Development, 10  Edition, Pearson

                                EVX8006 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND POLITICS

             Learning Outcomes           At the end of the course, students are able to:

                                         (1) Discuss on issues and theories related to administration and
                                         (2) Analyze  the  various  perspectives  of  the  relevant  theories
                                             studied in the course; and
                                         (3) Apply the relevant theories in research.
             Synopsis of Course          This course will provide exposure to administrative and political
             Contents                    theories. It also incorporates concepts and ideas that are useful
                                         in  research  works  in  the  areas  of  administration  and  politics.
                                         Topics  that  are  covered  include  issues  in  public  administration
                                         and government, comparative political and government systems,
                                         planning and development theories, state and local government,
                                         and public policy.

             Assessment                  Continuous Assessment: 100%
                                         Final Examination: -
             Main References :

             (1) Shafritz, J.M; Ott. J.S; and Yong S.K (2005). Classics of Organization Theory. Thomson
             (2) Shaftriz, J,M; Hyde, A.C and Parkes, S.J (2004). Classics of Public Administration.
                 Thomson Wadsworth.
             (3) Stillman, R. J. (2000). Public Administration: Concepts and Cases. Boston: Houghton
                 Mifflin Company.
             (4) Shively, Phillips (2002).  The Craft of Political Research.  Upper Saddle River, N.J.:
                 Prentice Hall.
             (5) Almond, Gabriel A. (1989).  A Discipline Divided: Schools and Sects in Political Science.
                 CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
             (6) Thiele, Leslie Paul (2002). Thinking Politics: Perspectives in Ancient, Modern and Post
                 Modern Political Theory.  2nd Edition.  New York: Chatham House Publishers.
             (7) Lester, J.M and Stewart Jr, J.(2000). Public policy: An Evolutionary Approach. Wadsworth
                 Thomson Learning.
             (8) William Johnson (2014). Public Administration: Partnerships in Public     Service, Fifth
                 Edition, Waveland Press.
             (9) William Dunn (2016). Public Policy Analysis, Fifth Edition, Routledge.
             (10) Stephen Van Evera (2015). Guide to Methods for Students of Political Science, E-book
                  Edition, Cornell University Press.

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