Page 110 - handbook 20152016
P. 110
Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016
Numerical Integration: Rectangular, trapezoidal, Simpson’s, SIN2003 BASIC OPERATIONAL RESEARCH
Romberg’s. Composite methods.
Introduction to the problems in operational research,
System of linear equations. Matrix factorization, LU modelling, formulation and examples. Linear programming,
factorization. transportation and assignment problems. Integer
programming, game theory and dynamic programming.
Continuous Assessment: 40% Assessment
Final Examination: 60% Continuous Assessment: 40%
Final Examination: 60%
Medium of Instruction:
Bahasa Malaysia/English Medium of Instruction:
Humanity Skill:
C3, TS2, CT3, LL2 Humanity Skill:
CS3, CT3, LL2
1. Atkinson, K. E. (1993), Elementary Numerical References:
Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, (2 Ed.). 1. H.A. Taha, Introduction to Operational Research, John
2. Burden, R. L. & Faires, J. D. (2011), Numerical Wiley.
Analysis, Brooks/Cole, USA, (7 Ed.). 2. W.L. Winston, Operational Research: Applications and
3. Brian Bradie, (2006), A Friendly Introduction to Algorithm, Duxbury Press, 1994.
Numerical Analysis, Pearson Education, New Jersey. 3. F.S. Hillier and G.J. Lieberman, McGraw-Hill
International Edition, 2011
4. B. Van Der Veen, Introduction to the Theory of
SIN2002 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING Operational Research, Cleaver-Hume P. London,
Algorithms: Structured programming – sequence, decision
and loops. Object-oriented design.
C++ programming: fundamental data types – int, double,
char. C++ operators, precedence. Pre-processor directives. Fourier series. Introduction to partial differential equations,
In-Built functions. User-defined functions – pass by value, Method of characteristic, Separation of variables, Laplace
pass by reference. One-dimensional and two-dimensional transform method.
Introduction to user-defined data types – structures and Continuous Assessment: 40%
classes. Final Examination: 60%
Applications to numerical methods: integer- and floating Medium of Instruction:
point arithmetic, root-finding, solution of ordinary differential Bahasa Malaysia/English
equations. Use of random number generators.
Humanity Skill:
Assessment CS3, CT3, LL2
Continuous Assessment: 50%
Final Examination: 50% References.
1. D.G. Zill & M.R. Cullen, Differential Equations with
Medium of Instruction: Boundary-Value Problems, 7th Edition, Brooks/Cole,
English 2005
2. E. Kreyzig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th
Humanity Skill: Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2006
CS3, CT3, LL2 3. E. Butkov, Mathematical Physics, Addison-Wesley,
References: 4. R.K. Nagle & E.B. Saff, Fundamentals of Differential
1. Programming with C++(2nd Ed.), John R. Hubbard, Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 2nd Edition,
McGraw-Hill, (2000). Addison-Wesley, 1996
2. C++ program design: an introduction to programming 5. W.E. Boyce & R.C. DiPrima, Elementary Differential
and object-oriented design (3rd Ed.), James P. Cohoon Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 8th Edition,
and Jack W. Davidson, McGraw-Hill, (2002). John Wiley & Sons, 2011
3. C++ How to program (4th Ed.), Harvey Deitel and Paul
Deitel, Pearson, (2003).
4. Problem Solving, abstraction and design using C++ SIN2005 SYSTEM OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL
(3rd Ed.), Frank L. Friedman and Elliot B. Koffman, EQUATIONS
Addison-Wesley, (2011).
5. Numerical Recipes in C++: The art of scientific System of homogeneous linear first order differential
computing, William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky, equations with constant coefficients. System of non
William T. Vetterling and Brian P. F lannery, homogeneous linear differential equations. Autonomous
Cambridge U. P., (2002). systems for linear and almost linear systems, and stability.
6. A Survey of Computational Physics: Introductory Liapunov’s method. Applications
Computational Science. Rubin H. Landau (Princeton
Press) 2008 Assessment
7. Numerical Analysis: Mathematics of Scientific Continuous Assessment: 40%
Computing, 3rd Edition David R. Kincaid and E. Ward Final Examination: 60%
Cheney (2002)