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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016

               4.    Winston, W.L, Operations Research: Applications and   SIN3012   MECHANICS
                   Algorithms, Third Edition. Duxbury Press, 2013.
                                                               Newton's Laws of motion, Central forces,  motion in a plane
                                                               (cartesian,   polar   coordinates),   conservative   forces,
               SIN3010   COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY                conservation of energy and momentum, small oscillations,
                                                               stable and unstable equilibrium.
               Vector algebra, introduction to differential geometry, design   Lagrangian   mechanics:   Constraints,   generalized
               surfaces for Bezier surfaces, triangular Bezeir surfaces, B-  coordinates,  Principle  of  least  action,  Euler-Langrange
               Spline, rational Bezier and Coons surfaces.     equations

               Assessment                                      Assessment
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                Continuous Assessment:       40%
               Final Examination:           60%                Final Examination:           60%

               Medium of Instruction:                          Medium of Instruction:
               Bahasa Malaysia/English                         English

               Humanity Skill:                                 Humanity Skill:
               CT3, LL2, CS2, TS2                              CS3, CT3, LL2

               References                                      References
               1.   Michael E. Mortenson,   Geometric Modeling,   John   1.    Stephen  T.  Thornton  and  Jerry  B.  Marion,  Classical
                   Wiley & Sons, 1985.                             Dynamics of Particles and Systems,,Brooks/Cole, 5th
               2.   Christoph  M.  Hoffman,  Geometric  &  Solid  Modeling:   Edition 2004.
                   An  Introduction,  Morgan  Kaufmann,      San  Mateo,     2.   Tai  L.  Chow,  Classical  Mechanics,  CRC  Press,  2nd
                   California, 1989.                               Edition 2013.
               3.   Hill, F.S. Computer Graphics Using OpenGL, Prentice   3.    Grant  R.Fowles  &  George  L.Cassiday,    Analytical
                   hall, Second Edition, 2001.                     Mechanics"  7th    Edition,  by,  Brook/Cole  Publishing
               4.   Farin, G.,   Curves and Surfaces for Computer Aided   2004.
                   Geometric Design,   Academic Press, Boston, 1988.   4.    Tom  W.B.  Kibble,  &  Frank  H.Berkshire,    Classical
               5.   Hoschek, J. & Lasser, D., Fundamentals of Computer   Mechanics, 5th edition 2004,  Imperial College Press.
                   Aided      Geometric Design, Ak Peters Ltd., 1993.
               6.   Farin, G., Hoschek, J. and Kim., S.M. .   Handbook of
                   Computer  Aided  Geometric  Design, Elsevier,  North   SIN3013   FOURIER AND WAVELETS ANALYSIS
                   Holland. 2002
               7.   Patrikalakis,  N.  M.  &  Maekawa,  T.   Shape   Functions  and  Function  Spaces,  Fourier  Transform,
                   Interrogation  for  Computer  Aided  Design  and   Sampling,  Orthogonal  Wavelet  Systems,    Multi-resolution
                   Manufacturing, Springer, 2011.              Analysis  (MRA),  Discrete  Wavelet  Transform,  Continuous
                                                               Wavelet Transform, Wavelet Toolbox, Applications to data
                                                               compression, de-noising and others.
               SIN3011   SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING
               1.   Functions, arrays, strings, pointers, data structures,   Continuous Assessment:       50%
                   file processing.                            Final Examination:           50%
               2.   Computation  of  special  functions  such  as  Legendre
                   polynomials,   Bessel   and   Neumann   functions.   Medium of Instruction:
                   Gaussian  quadrature.  Numerical  solution  of  systems   English
                   of linear equations. Introduction to numerical solution
                   of  partial  differential  equations,  e.g.  heat  and  wave   Humanity Skill:
                   equations. FTCS, Crank-Nicholson algorithms, etc.   CT3, LL2

               Assessment                                      References
               Continuous Assessment:       50%                1.   Wavelets  and  Filter  Banks  by  Gilbert  Strang    and
               Final Examination:           50%                    Truong Nguyen, Wellesley College; 2nd edition 1996.
                                                               2.   A  First  Course  in  Wavelets  with  Fourier  Analysis  by
               Medium of Instruction:                              Albert Boggess and Francis J. Narcowich, Wiley  2nd
               English                                             Edition 2011
               Humanity Skill:                                 3.   A  Wavelet  Tour  of  Signal  Processing  by  Stéphane
               CS3, CT3, LL2, TS2, LS2                             Mallat,  Academic Press; 2nd edition 1999.
                                                               4.   A  Primer  on  Wavelets  and  Their  Scientific
               References                                          Applications,  by  James  S.  Walker,  Chapman  &
               1.    F. L. Friedman and Elliot B Koffman, Addison-Wesley   Hall/CRC; 2 edition  2008.
                   Problem  Solving,  Abstraction  and  Design  Using   5.   Wavelet Toolbox User’s Guide 2006, The MathWorks,
                   C++(6th Edition) 2011.                          Inc.
               2.     J.  Pitt-Francis  and  J.  Whiteley,  Guide  to  Scientific
                   Computing, (Springer) 2012.                 SIN3014   INDUSTRIAL TRAINING
               3.   S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling and B. P. Flannery
                   Numerical  Recipes  3rd  Edition  W.  H.  Press,   Candidates are required to spend minimum 10 weeks
                   (Cambridge University Press) 2007.          working with selected companies in selected areas of
               4.   B. A. Forouzan  and R. F. Gilberg, Computer Science-   industry.
                   A Structured Programming Approach using C++ (2nd
                   Edition) (Course Technology) 2003 .         Assessment
               5.   David  R.  Kincaid  and  E.  Ward  Cheney,  Numerical   Continuous Assessment:       100%
                   Analysis:  Mathematics  of  Scientific  Computing,  3
                   Edition 2002.

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