Page 123 - handbook 20152016
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016

               3.    Ewens, W.J. & Grant, G.R. (2005). Statistical Methods   posterior sampling. Bayesian decision theory. Application to
                   in Bioinformatics: An Introduction (2nd ed.). New York:   real-world problems.
               4.    Pevsner,  J.  (2009).  Bioinformatics  and  Functional   Assessment:
                   Genomics (2nd ed.). New York: Wiley-Blackwell.   Continuous Assessment:       40%
                                                               Final Examination :          60%

               SIT3012   DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTS    Medium of Instruction:
               Philosophy  related  to  statistical  designed  experiments.
               Analysis  of  variance.  Experiments  with  Blocking  factors.   Humanity Skill:
               Factorial experiments. Two level factorial designs. Blocking   CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2
               and confounding system for two-level factorials. Two-level
               fractional factorial designs.                   References:
                                                                1.   Lee, P. M. (1991) Bayesian statistics: an introduction.
               Assessment:                                          Oxford University Press.
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                 2.   Hoff, P. D. (2009) A first course in Bayesian statistical
               Final Examination:           60%                     methods. Springer.
                                                                3.   Koch,  K.  (2007)  Introduction  to  Bayesian  statistics,
               Medium of Instruction:                               Second Edition, Springer.
               English                                          4.   Cowles,  M.  K.  (2013)  Applied  Bayesian  statistics:
                                                                    with R and OpenBUGS examples, Springer.
               Humanity Skill:
               CT4, TS1, LL2
                                                               SIT3015   JAVA  METHODS  FOR  STATISTICS  AND
               References:                                              ACTUARIAL SCIENCE
               1.   Montgomery,   D.C.:   Design   and   Analysis   of
                   Experiments. 6th edition, John Wiley, 2004.   JAVA programming language: Object, class and method.
               2.   Box, G.E.P., Hunter, W.G. and Hunter,J.S.: Statistics   Sample java programs which make use of Java methods to
                   for Experimenters. 2nd edition, John Wiley, 2005.
               3.   Tabachnick,  B.G.,  Fidell,  L.S.:  Experimental  designs   1.   Perform  data  manipulation,  matrix  operations  and
                                                                   nonlinear optimization.
                   using anova, Duxbury, 2007.                 2.   Perform  computation  and  simulations  in  Brownian
               4.   Myers,  R.H.:  Classical  and  Modern  Regression   motion models, Levy processes, CIR model and other
                   Analysis with Applications. 2nd edition, Duxbury, 1990   models.
                                                               3.   Find  the  premiums  of  investment-linked  insurance
               SIT3013   ANALYSIS  OF  FAILURE  AND  SURVIVAL   4.   Find  approximately  aggregate  claims  distribution  and
                        DATA                                       ruin probabilities.
                                                               5.   Find  provision  of  risk  margin  for  adverse  deviation
               Survival  distributions,  hazard  models.  Reliability  of   (PRAD)  of  claim  liabilities  for  general  insurance
               systems, stochastic models. Censoring and life-tables. The   business.
               product-limit  estimator.  Parametric  survival  models  under
               censoring. Cox proportional hazards model and other basic   Assessment:
               models with covariates.                         Continuous Assessment:       40%
                                                               Final Examination:           60%
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                Medium of Instruction:
               Final Examination:           60%                English

               Medium of Instruction:                          Humanity Skill:
               English                                         CS2, CT2, LL1

               Humanity Skill:                                 References:
               CS1, CT2, LL1                                   1.  Philip  Barker  (2007),  Java  Methods  for  Financial
                                                                  Engineering,  Applications  in  Finance  and  Investment,
               References:                                        Springer-Verlag London Limited.
               1.   Sherwin D.J. and Bossche A. (2012), The Reliability,   2.  Everitt, B. S. Introduction to Optimization Methods and
                   Availability  and  Productiveness  of  Systems,  Springer   Their Application in Statistics, Chapman and Hall.
                   Netherlands.                                3.  Deitel,  H.  M.  &  Deitel,  P.  J.  (1995),  Java  How  to
               2.   Peter J. Smith (2002). Analysis of Failure and Survival   Program, Prentice-Hall.
                   Data. Chapman & Hall.                       4.  Hurbbard,  John  R.  (2004),  Programming  with  JAVA
               3.    Tableman  M.  &  Kim  J.S.  (2004).  Survival  Analysis   (Schaum's  Outline  Series),  McGraw-  Hill  International
                   using S - Analysis of Time-to-Event Data. Chapman &   Editions.
               4.   Smith D.J. (2011) Reliability Maintainability and Risk,
                   Practical Methods for Engineers, 8  Ed., Elsevier Ltd.


               Bayes'  Theorem.  Bayesian  framework  and  terminology.
               Bayesian  inference.  Prior  formulation.  Implementation  via

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