Page 229 - handbook 20152016
P. 229
Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016
Dr. Norbani Abdullah, BSc, PhD (London)
The Department of Chemistry is the largest department in Dr. Nor Kartini Abu Bakar, BSc (Mal), PhD (Wales), MRSC,
the Faculty of Science. The Department started operation in CChem
the academic year 1959/1960 and is one of the oldest Dr. Sharifah Mohamad, BSc, MSc (Mal), PhD (UPM)
departments in the faculty. The Department is the first Dr. Thorsten Heidelberg, Dipl Chem, PhD (Hamburg)
institution of higher learning in Malaysia to receive the Dr. Zaharah Aiyub, BSc (Indiana), MSc (Marshall), Dphil
prestigious Royal Society of Chemistry, UK accreditation for (Sussex)
its BSc (Chemistry) and BSc (Applied Chemistry)
programme since August 2012. One of the objectives of the SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW
Department is to provide a centre of excellence in chemical Dr. Khoo Siow Kian, BSc, MSc, PhD (S'ton)
education and research in Malaysia. Students from the Dr. Zainudin Arifin, BSc (UMIST), PhD (Lond)
department are trained to develop their critical, creative and
innovative thinking. The Department is proud to produce VISITING PROFESSOR
graduates who are highly regarded and much sought after in Dr. Hesham El-Seedi, BSc (Menoufia Univ., Egypt), MSc
the work force market. Presently, the Department has 65 (Menoufia Univ., Egypt), PhD (Aarhus Univ., Denmark)
academic staffs, several of whom are from abroad, 2 senior
research fellows, and 1 emeritus professor. Apart from VISITING ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate degree Dr. Issam Ahmed Mohammed, BSc, MSc (Baghdad Univ.),
levels, the staffs also conduct quality research in PhD (USM)
fundamental and applied chemistry. Although the academic Dr. Vannajan Sanghiran Lee, BSc (Chiang Mai Univ.,
staffs have different research interests, they adhere to the Thailand), MSc, PhD (Univ. of Missouri-Kansas City)
same philosophy in solving chemical-related problems and
in the development of expertise in chemistry. In addition to SENIOR LECTURER
the undergraduate Programme, the department also offers Dr. Arief Cahyo Wibowo, BSc, MSc (Michigan), PhD
MSc by research and coursework; and PhD programmes. (Carolina)
Since her establishment, the department has produced Dr. Azila Mohd Idris, BSc, MSc (Mal), PhD (Monash Univ.,
many MSc and PhD graduates who assume high positions Melbourne)
in both government and private organisation locally and Dr. Azizah Mainal, BSc (Michigan), MSc (Mal), PhD (S’ton)
internationally. Dr Azman Ma’amor, BSc (UKM), MSc (Mal), PhD (Belfast)
Dr. Cheng Sit Foon, BSc, PhD (Mal)
Dr. Choo Yeun Mun, BSc, MSc, PhD (Mal)
ACADEMIC STAFF Dr. Desmond Ang Teck Chye, BSc, PhD (Mal)
Dr. Hairul Anuar, BSc, MSc (Mal), PhD (Sheff)
Prof. Dr. Aziz Hassan, MSc (UMIST), PhD (Brunel) Dr. Lee See Mun, BSc, MSc, PhD (Mal)
Dr. Lim Siew Huah, BSc, MSc, PhD (Mal)
PROFESSOR Dr. Low Kah Hin, BSc, MSc, PhD (Mal)
Dr. Christopher Gunaseelan Jesudason, BA, MA (Camb), Dr. Low Yun Yee, BSc, MSc, PhD (Mal)
PhD (Georgia) Dr. Mohammad Noh Daud, BSc (Mal), PhD (Bristol)
Dr. Chuah Cheng Hock, BSc, PhD (Mal) Dr. Ninie Suhana Abdul Manan, BSc, MSc (Mal), PhD
Dr. Edward R.T. Tiekink, BSc, PhD, DSc (Melbourne) (QUB)
Dr. Gan Seng Neon, BSc, PhD (Mal) Dr. Noor Idayu Mat Zahid, BSc, PhD (Mal)
Dr. Hapipah Mohd Ali, BSc, Dphil (Sus) Dr. Noordini Mohamad Salleh, BSc, MSc, PhD (Mal)
Dr. Kam Toh Seok, BSc, PhD (Mal) Dr. Noraini Ahmad, BSc, MSc, PhD (Mal)
Dr. Khalijah Awang, BSc (Waterloo), MSc, PhD (Paris) Dr. Norazilawati Muhamad Sarih, Dip. (LGM), Dip., BSc
Dr. Mhd. Radzi Abas, BSc, MSc, PhD (Salf) (UiTM), PhD (Durham)
Dr. Misni Misran, BSc (Flinders), PhD (East Anglia) Dr. Nor Asrina Sairi, BSc, MSc (UPM), PhD (Mal)
Dr. Mohamad Niyaz Khan, BSc (S.N. College, Azamgarh, Dr. Nor Mas Mira Abd. Rahman, BSc, PhD (Mal)
India) MSc, PhD (Aligarh Muslim Univ.) Dr. Nor Saadah Mohd. Yusof, BSc.Ed (Mal), MSc (Mal),
Dato’ Dr. Mohd. Jamil Maah, BSc, MSc, DPhil. (Sussex), PhD (UoM)
CChem, FRSC, AMIC, FASc Dr. Rozie Sarip, BSc (UTM), MSc (UTM), PhD (UCL,
Dr. Muhammad Mazhar, PhD (Budapest, Hungary) London)
Dr. Ng Seik Weng, BSc (NUS), MSc, PhD (Okla) Dr. Rusnah Syahila Duali Hussen, BSc, MSc, PhD (Mal)
Dr. Noel F Thomas, BSc (Salf), PhD (UWCC) Dr. Siti Nadiah Abd. Halim, BSc, MSc (Mal), PhD (Bristol)
Dr. Noorsaadah Abd. Rahman, BA (Chico, Cal.), MSc Dr. Tan Kong Wai, BSc, MSc (UKM), PhD (Mal)
(Irvine, Cal.), PhD (Cambridge), CChem, MRSC Dr. Tay Kheng Soo, BSc, MSc, PhD (Mal)
Dr. Rauzah Hashim, BSc, PhD (S'ton), MRSC, CChem Dr. Teo Yin Yin, BSc, MSc, PhD (Mal)
Dr. Rosiyah Yahya, BSc, PhD (Brunel), MRSC, CChem Dr. Woi Pei Meng, BSc, MSc (UPM), PhD (Mal)
Dr. Richard Wong Chee Seng, BSc (Dublin), MSc, PhD (Mal)
Dr. Sharifuddin M Zain, BSc (Lond), ARCS, PhD (Lond),
Dr. Tan Guan Huat, BSc, PhD (Duke)
Dr. Wan Jefrey Basirun, BSc (Mal), PhD (S’ton) Research in the department may be divided into 5 main
Dr. Yatimah Alias, BSc, MSc (Mal) PhD (East Anglia) areas; organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical
Dr. Zanariah Abdullah, BSc, PhD (East Lond) chemistry, analytical chemistry and polymer chemistry.
Some active research subareas are natural products,
EMERITUS PROFESSOR environmental chemistry, colloidal chemistry, computational
Dr. Ng Soon, B.Chem.Eng, MS (OSU, Ohio), PhD (UC chemistry, synthesis of organic compounds, organometallics
Berkeley), CChem, FRSC, FMIC, FASc chemistry and electrochemistry.
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR The department possesses sophisticated and up-to-date
Dr. Azhar Arifin, BSc (Mal), PhD (Nottingham) instrumentation for teaching and conducting leading edge
Dr. H. N. M Ekramul Mahmud, BSc, Msc (Dhaka), PhD research activities: one FT-NMR 300MHz, one FT-NMR
(UPM) 600MHz, three FT-NMR 400MHz, one FT-NMR EX90MHz,