Page 224 - handbook 20152016
P. 224

Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016

                                          BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (APPLIED CHEMISTRY)
                                                     SESSION 2015/2016
                                                        (124 Credits)
                1.      UNIVERSITY COURSES (20 Credits)
               Course Code       Course Name                                                       Credit
                GLTXXXX          English Language Communication                                       6
                GIG1001          Islamic and Asian Civilisation                                       2
                GIG1002 / 1006   Ethnic Relations / Introduction to Malaysia                          2
                GIG1003          Basic Entrepreneurship Culture                                       2
                GIG1004          Information Literacy                                                 2
                GIG1005          Social Engagement                                                    2
                GKN / GKR / GKV   Co-Curriculum                                                       2
                GIA - GIW        External Faculty Elective courses (KELF)                             2
                2.      FACULTY CORE COURSES (8 Credits) [TF]
               Course Code       Course Name                                                       Credit
                SIX1001          Introduction to Science and Technology Studies                       3
                SIX1002          Ethics and Safety                                                    2
                SIX1004          Statistics                                                           3
                3.     PROGRAMME COURSES (96 Credits)
                (III)  PROGRAMME CORE COURSES (64 Credits) [TP]
                LEVEL 1 (17 Credits)
                Course Code      Course Name                     Pre-Requisite(s)                  Credit
                SIC1001          Principles Chemistry                                                 2
                SIC1002          Inorganic Chemistry l                                               4*
                SIC1003          Organic Chemistry I                                                 4*
                SIC1004          Physical Chemistry I                                                4*
                SIC1005          Basic Mathematics for Chemistry                                      3
                LEVEL 2 (27 Credits)
                SIC2001         Inorganic Chemistry II           SIC1001 and SIC1002                 4*
                                                                 SIC1001 and SIC1003
                SIC2002         Organic Chemistry II             This course is taken together with SIC2007   4*
                                                                 and SIC2008
                SIC2003         Physical Chemistry II            SIC1001, SIC1004 and SIC1005        4*
                SIC2006         Molecular Spectroscopy           SIC1001, SIC1004 and SIC1005        3
                                Spectroscopic   Methods   in   Organic   SIC1003
                SIC2007                                                                              2
                                Chemistry                        This course is taken together with SIC2002
                SID2001         Industrial Chemistry I           SIC1001 and SIC1002                 2
                SID2002         Industrial Polymer Chemistry I   SIC1003 and SIC1004                 3*
                SID2003         Basic Analytical Chemistry       SIC1001 and SIC1002                 3*
                SID2004         Bioorganic Chemistry                                                 2
                                                                 This course is taken together with SIC2002
                LEVEL 3 (20 Credits)
                SID3001         Advanced Inorganic Chemistry     SIC2001                             4*
                SID3002         Advanced Organic Chemistry       SIC2002                             4*
                SID3003         Advanced Physical Chemistry      SIC2003                             4*
                SID3004         Industrial Training**            SIC2001, SIC2002, SIC2003 and SIC2006   8
                (IV) PROGRAMME ELECTIVES COURSES (25 Credits) [EP]
                LEVEL 2 (10 Credits)
                SID2005         Food Chemistry                   SIC1003                             2
                SID2006         Medicinal Chemistry              SIC1003                             2
                SID2007         Petrochemistry                   SIC1002 and SIC1003                 2
                SID2008         Industrial Organic Chemistry     SIC1003                             2
                SID2009         Industrial Inorganic Chemistry   SIC1001 and SIC1002                 2
                SID2010         Ionic Liquid                     SIC1003                             2
                SID2011         Industrial Electrochemistry      SIC1004                             2
                                Computational Methods in Applied
                SID2012                                          SIC1004                             2*
                SID2013         Colloid and Interfacial Chemistry   SIC1004                          2
                                Processing of Thermoplastics and
                SID2014                                          SID2002                             2

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