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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016

                                                               Medium of instruction:
               Assessment Methods:                             English
               Continuous assessment:    30%
               Final examination:      70%                     Soft skills:
                                                               CT1-3, LL1-2
               Medium of instruction:
               English                                         References:
                                                               1. A.  J  Bard  and  L.  R.  Faulkner,  Electrochemical  Methods
               Soft skills:                                     Fundamental and Application, 2  ed., John Wiley & Sons,
               CT1-3                                            2001.
                                                               2. D. Pletcher and F. C. Walsh, Industrial Electrochemistry,
               References:                                      Blackie Academic and Profesional, 1993.
               1. A. R. West, Basic Solid State Chemistry, John Wiley &   3. P.  Monk,  Fundamentals  of  Electroanalytical  Chemistry,
                 Sons, 1996.                                    John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
               2. G. E. Rodgers, Introduction to Coordination Solid State   4. J. Wang, Analytical Electrochemistry, 2  ed., John Wiley
                 and Descriptive Chemistry, 1994.               & Sons, 2000.
               3. J. R. Christman, Fundamentals of Solid State Physics.
               4. M.  F.  F.  Ladd,  Structure  and  Bonding  in  Solid  State
                 Chemistry, Halsted Press, NY, 1979.           SIC3001  INORGANIC CHEMISTRY III

                                                               Organometallic Chemistry:
               SIC2014  BASIC COLLOID CHEMISTRY                Historical  background,  Classification/bonding  types  of
                                                               Organometallics  Compounds  of  Transition  Elements,  Main
               Introduction  to  colloidal  dispersion  and  types  of  colloidal   Group  Organometallics  &  Lanthanides,  18-electron  rules,
               dispersions.  Particles  in  the  box  and  colloid  chemistry.   Ligands in Organometallics (carbonyl, hydride, alkyl/alkene,
               Brownian  motion,  Surface  charge  and  colloidal  stability.   carbene,  carbyne,  metallocene  &  fullerene).  Spectral  (IR,
               Particle size and fluid deformation. Viscosity, sedimentation   NMR)  and  x-ray  structural  analysis.  Organometallic
               and  rheology.  Self-assembly  colloids:  micelles,  vesicles,   reactions.
               emulsions   and   microemulsions.   Instrumentations   in
               Colloidal  Chemistry.  Colloidal chemistry,  nano-science  and   Reaction  kinetics  and  mechanism  of  transition  metal
               nanotechnology.                                 complexes:
                                                               Introduction to inorganic reaction mechanism. Dissociative,
               Assessment Methods:                             associative and interchange mechanisms. Derivation of the
               Continuous assessment:    40%                   rate  law  based  on  the  above  mechanisms.  Substitution
               Final examination:      60%                     reactions  of  octahedral,  tetrahedral  and  5-coordinate
                                                               systems. Substitution reactions catalysed by acid and base.
               Medium of instruction:                          Inner-sphere and outer-sphere mechanisms.
                                                               Assessment Methods:
               Soft skills:                                    Practical:           25%
               CT1-3                                           Continuous assessment:    15%
                                                               Final examination:      60%
               1. A.  W.  Adamson  and  A.  P.  Gast,  Physical  Chemistry  of   Medium of instruction:
                 Surfaces, Wiley Interscience, 1997.           English
               2. D. J. Shaw, Introduction to Colloid & Surface Chemistry,
                 Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 1992.          Soft skills:
               3. P. C. Hiemenz and R. Rjagopalan, Principles of Colloid &   CT1-3
                 Surface Chemistry, 3  ed., Marcel Dekkerm, 1997.
               4. R.  Aveyard,  and  D.  A.  Haydon,  An  Introduction  to  the   References:
                 Principles  of  Surface  Chemistry,  Cambridge  University   1. C.  Elschenbroich  and  A.  Salzer,  Organometallics  A
                 Press, 1973.                                   concise Introduction, 2  rev., VCH, 1992.
               5. D.F.  Evans,  H. Wennerstrom,  The  Colloidal  Domain,  2    2. G.  O.  Spessard  and  G.  L.  Miessler,  Organometallic
                 ed. Wiley-Vch, 1999.                           Chemistry, Prentice Hall, 1997.
               6. D.H.  Everett,  Basic  Principle  Of  Colloid  Science,  Royal   3. Gary L. Miessler & Donald A. Tarr, Inorganis Chemistry.
                 Society of Chemistry, 1988.                    3  ed., Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004
                                                               4. F.  A.  Cotton  and  G.  Wilkinson,  Advanced  Inorganic
                                                                Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, 1972.
               SIC2015  ELECTROCHEMISTRY                       5. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry.
                                                               6. Fred  Basolo  and  Ralph  G  Pearson,  Mechanism  of
               Background of electrochemical cell, type of electrode, liquid   Inorganic  Reactions.  A  study  of  metal  complexes  in
               junction  potential,  concentrations  of  electrolyte.  Basic   solution, 2  ed., John Wiley & Sons, 1967.
               electrochemistry  on  electrode  reaction,  electrode  kinetics,   7. R.  A.  Henderson,  The  mechanisms  of  reactions  at
               Butler-Volmer equation, Tafel anode and cathode equation,   transition metal sites, Oxford Science Publications, 1993.
               overpotential,  mass  transport,  diffusion  current  and  Nernst
               diffusion   layer.   Potentiostatic   and   galvanostatic
               electrochemical  methods  including  chronoamperometry,   SIC3002  ORGANIC CHEMISTRY III
               coulometry,  polarography,  cyclic voltammetry  and  stripping
               voltammetry  methods.  Surface  confined  electrochemical   Brief  introduction  to  organic  synthesis:  disconnections  and
               processes and applications in electroanalytical field.   retrosynthetic analysis;

               Assessment Methods:                             Use  of  compounds  incorporating  main  group  elements  (B,
               Continuous assessment:    30%                   S, Si, P, mainly; and, Sn, Se, Al) in organic functional group
               Final examination:      70%                     transformations;

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