Page 240 - handbook 20152016
P. 240
Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016
acid- and general-base catalysis, micellar catalysis and weaknesses of these techniques in polymer characterization
enzymatic catalysis. and their applications in research and industry will be
introduced. Relevant examples will be discussed and set as
Assessment Methods: assignments.
Continuous assessment: 30%
Final examination: 70% Part B: Polymer Modifications
(i) Polymer Blends (a) Introduction: Polymer-polymer
Medium of instruction: solutions, Illustration of combinatorial entropy of mixing,
English Phase diagram for a polymer – polymer mixture, Kinetics of
phase separation, Kinetics of phase separation binodal and
Soft skills: the spinodal for both LCST and UCST two-phase regions,
CT1-3 Phase separation mechanisms (Nucleation and growth,
Spinodal decomposition, Gibbs energy), Flory- Huggins
References: phase diagram of a symmetric polymer blend – Interaction
1. M. Niyaz Khan, Micellar catalysis, CRC Press, Taylor & parameter.
Francis Group, 2006. (b) Blending of two or more polymers to produce new
2. W. P. Jencks, Catalysis in Chemistry and Enzymology, materials, examples & applications. Miscible, partially
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969. miscible and immiscible blends. (c) Reactive blends where
3. J. March, Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, chemical interactions can occur.
Mechanisms and Structure, 4 ed., McGraw-Hill, 1992 (ii) Chemical Reactions Involving Polymers (a)
4. J. Hine, Structural Effects on Equilibria in Organic Reactions that can introduce specific functional groups into
Chemistry, Wiley, 1975. the polymer chains (e.g. Through anionic polymerization,
5. C. Reichardt, Solvents and Solvent Effects in Organic Epoxidation etc). (b) Selective comonomers to achieve
Chemistry, VCH, New York, 1988. specific properties (e.g. conducting polymers). (c)
Crosslinking reactions (include Vulcanization of NR). (d)
Degradation reactions.
SIC3013 ADVANCED MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY (iii) Living Polymerisation - Criteria of Living
Polymerisation (Well-defined materials; target molar mass;
Selections of topics are as follows: block/graft copolymers; end-functional (telechelic) polymers;
star polymers); Anionic polymerization, Nitroxide-
Basic quantum mechanics and group theory for mediated polymerisation (NMP)/ TEMPO; Atom transfer
spectroscopy; vibrational spectroscopy of polyatomic radical polymerisation (ATRP), Reversible addition
molecules, selection rules and analysis of normal modes of fragmentation transfer polymerisation (RAFT), Co-
vibration, Raman spectroscopy, advanced electronic ordination methods - Ziegler-Natta (Mechanism and
spectroscopy, and modern techniques in spectroscopy. Polymer Tacticity), Metallocene Polymerisation
Laser techniques and applications of lasers in spectroscopy. (Mechanism), Ring-opening Metathesis Polymerisation,
Energy of a free electron in a magnetic field. EPR ROMP (Mechanism –Schrock & Grubbs catalyst).
spectrometer & first-derivative spectrum. The g-factor and (iv) Dendrimers and hyperbranched polymers -
hyperfine structures: simple and complex hyperfine patterns. Dendrimer synthesis (divergent approach & donvergent
Interpretation of isotropic hyperfine coupling constants: spin approach); Dendrimer properties, hyperbranched polymers,
Hamiltonian and perturbation theory. First-order and applications of dendrimers.
second-order hyperfine. (v) Making green polymers which are biocompatible from
renewable/sustainable resources (reducing the impact of
Assessment Methods: environmental pollution).
Continuous assessment: 30%
Final examination: 70% Assessment Methods:
Practical: 30%
Medium of instruction: Continuous assessment: 20%
English Final examination: 50%
Soft skills: Medium of instruction:
CT1-3 English
References: Soft skills:
1. N. M. Atherton, Electron Spin Resonance, John Wiley & CT1-3
Son Inc., 1973.
2. A. Carrington and A. D. McLachlan, Introduction to References:
Magnetic Resonance, Harper & Row and John 1. D. Deanin, Polymer Sturcture, Properties and Application.
Weatherhill Inc.,1969. Cahners Books, Boston, 1972.
3. P. Atkins and J. d. Paula Physical Chemistry, Oxford 2. P. J. Flory, Prinsip Kimia Polimer (Terjemahan), Dewan
University Press, 9 ed., 2010. Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1991.
4. J. M. Hollas, Modern Spectroscopy, 4 ed., John Wiley & 3. R. J. Young, and P. A. Lovell, Introduction to Polymers, 3 rd
Sons, 2004 Ed. Taylor & Francis Group, 2011.
5. I. N., Levine Molecular Spectroscopy, 1 ed., John Wiley 4. H. Sperling, Introduction of Physical Polymer Sciences,
& Sons, 1975. 2 ed., John Wiley & Sons, 1992.
Part A: Polymer Characterizations Introduction to computers – history, elements in computers,
Characterization of a polymer system. Non-instrumental operating system, computers in chemistry, internet. Internet
techniques – (a) density measurements /comparisons, and based chemistry – introduction to web technologies useful in
(b) heating and burning tests. Instrumental techniques - (a) chemistry, chemical databases, use of chemical web
thermal analysis (DSC & TGA), (b) Spectroscopic services.
techniques (FTIR & NMR). Aspects of the strengths and