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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2015/2016

               the  country.  Based  on  this  viewpoint,  this  course  aims  to   Asia, Bangkok: Thammasat Printing House
               discuss  the  importance  of  knowledge  management  and   3.   Caraca,  J.,  Lundvall,  B.  and  Mendonca  (2009),  The
               human  capital  development  in  national  STI  development.   changing  role  of  science  in  the  innovation  process:
               Students will be exposed to key issues pertaining to human   From   Queen   to   Cinderella?,   Technological
               capital  development  such  as  brain  drain,  skills  mismatch   Forecasting & Social Change 76 (2009) 861–867
               and perception on unattractive career in STI profession. The
               students will also debate on the current national strategies in
               knowledge management and talent development in STI.    SIS3004   Technology Entrepreneurship

               Assessment Methods:                     This course provides fundamentals of technopreneurship to
               Continuous Assessment:   40%            science  students.  The  course  comprises  two  parts:  (a)
               Final Exam:           60%               Firstly,  the  students  will  be  exposed  to  the  theoretical
                                                       foundation of technopreneurship such as high-tech market
               Medium of Language                      and  the  technology  entrepreneur,  innovation  strategies  for
               English/Malay                           new  technology  ventures,  financing  of  start-ups,  exit

               Soft Skill                              strategies, etc. (b) Secondly, the students will obtain basic
               CS3,CT2,LL1                             knowledge in the preparation of business plan based on a
                                                       specific S&T product. Tutorials will be organised to facilitate
               References                              the learning on how to construct a business plan. Students
               1.   Malaysia (2002), Knowledge-Based Economy Master   will be required to present their business plan at the end of
                   Plan, Malaysia: ISIS.               the course.
               2.   Thiruchelvam, K. et al. (2013) Malaysia’s Quest for
                   Innovation: Progress and Lessons Learned, Kuala   Assessment Methods:
                   Lumpur: SIRD.                       Continuous Assessment:   60%
               3.   Burud, Sandra, Tumolo, Marie, (2004), Leveraging the   Final Exam:       40%
                   New Human Capital: Adaptive Strategies, Results
                   Achieved and Stories of Transformation, Davies-  Medium of Language
                   Black.                              English/Malay

                                                       Soft Skill
               SIS3003    Policy and Management of Science and
                       Technology                      References
                                                       1.   Kuratko, D.F. (2013), Entrepreneurship: theory,
                Science,  technology  and  innovation  (STI)  are  important   process, practice (9  edn), Mason: South-Western.
                driving forces in economic and social change. Success in   2.   Dorf, R.C. & Byers, T.H. (2014), Technology
                STI  is  not  automatic.  Continuous  efforts  are  required  to   Ventures: from idea to enterprise (4  edn.), New
                attain  fluency  in  STI.  Such  proficiency  is  aided  by  a   York: McGraw-Hill.
                national  system  of  innovation  that  emphasises,  among   3.   Timmons,  J.A.  &  Spinelli,  S.  (2011),  New  Venture
                others,  on  learning,  development  of  linkages  and   Creation:  entrepreneurship  for  the  21st  century  (9
                capabilities,   and   fostering   of   enterprises   and   edn.), New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
                entrepreneurship. The course will provide an overview of
                these themes including an examination of STI policies of   SIS3005   Scientific Writing and Communication
                selected countries as well as the importance of promoting
                innovation.  Case  studies  will  be  presented  to  highlight   This course focuses on academic writing and presentation
                some of these themes.                  as  means  for  science  communication  especially  among
                                                       academic  community.  It  explains  techniques  and  styles  in
               Assessment Methods:                     scientific writing especially in writing journal article. Issues in
               Continuous Assessment:   40%            writing  for  example  plagiarism  is  also  discussed  in  this
               Final Exam:           60%               course. Apart from that this course explains important steps
                                                       in getting published in a refereed journal. It also sheds light
               Medium of Language                      on good ways to prepare and perform oral presentation.

               Soft Skill                              Assessment Methods:
               CT2,LL1                                 Continuous Assessment:   60%
                                                       Final Exam:          40%
               1.    Thiruchelvam, K., Chandran, VGR., Ng, B.K. & Wong,   Medium of Language
                   C.Y. (2013), Malaysia’s Quest for Innovation, Petaling   English/Malay
                   Jaya: SIRD.                           Soft Skill
               2.   Thiruchelvam,  K.,  Chandran,  VGR.,  et  al.  (2012),   CS3,CT2,TS1,EM1
                   Innovation  Financing  Schemes  of  Malaysia,  In
                   Intarakumnerd  P.  And  Wonglimpiyarat,  J.  (Ed).
                   Towards Effective Policies for Innovation Financing in

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