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Buku Panduan Fakulti Sains: Sesi 2015/2016
Mustaffa Kamal Shuib, BSc (Mal), MSc (Lond), DIC. Structural References:
Geology & Tectonics. 1. Hamblin, N.K. (1992). Earth’s Dynamic Systems (6th Ed.).
Dr. Ng Tham Fatt, BSc, MPhil, PhD (Mal), Structural Geology, MacMilan Publishing Co., New York.
Engineering Geology. 2. Cotillon, P. (1992). Stratigraphy. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
3. Leeder, M. (1992). Sedimentology – Process and Product.
G. Allen & Unwin, London.
SENIOR LECTURER: 4. Hallam, A. (1981). Facies Interpretation and the
Dr. Nur Iskandar Taib, BSc, MSc, PhD (Indiana). Igneous Stratigraphic Record. W.H. Freeman & Co., London.
Dr. Ros Fatihah Hj. Muhammad, BSc, PhD (Mal).
Geomorphology, Environmental Geology. SIG1003 STRUCTURES AND GEOLOGICAL MAPS
Dr. Meor Hakif Amir Hassan, BSc, MSc (Mal). PhD (Lond), DIC.
Sedimentology. Nature and morphology of geologic structures. Faults, fractures,
Dr. Nur Islami Rahman, BSc (Riau), MSc (Bandung). PhD (Mal). folds, foliations, lineation, fabric, and igneous bodies –
Geophysics. description, Classification and identification of geologic maps.
Dr. Jasmi Hafiz Abdul Aziz, BSc, MSc (Mal). PhD (Clausthal). Map projections, scales, and symbols. Analysis of topographic
Economic Geology. and geologic maps. Construction of cross-sections and
Dr. Ahmad Farid Abu Bakar, BSc, MSc, PhD (Mal). interpretations of geologic history. A one day compulsory field
Environmental Geology. trip for students.
Dr. Mohamad Tarmizi Mohamad Zulkifley, BSc, MSc, PhD
(Mal). Engineering Geology. Assessment Methods:
Continuous assessment : 40%
(SLAB ) TUTOR: Examination : 60%
Khairul Azlan Bin Mustapha, BSc, MSc (Mal). Petroleum
Geology. Medium of Instruction:
Lin Chin Yik, BSc (UMS), MSc (UPM). Carbonate Sedimentology English
Sapinah Salleh, BSc (UM). Geophysics.
Soft Skills:
Latest information about the Department, including research CS3, CT3, LS1, LL3, EM2, TS2
activities and publications of the academic staff can be obtained
through the web site References: 1. Bennison, G.M. (1975). An Introduction to Geological
Structures and Maps. (3rd Ed. - Metric), Edward Arnold,
COURSE SYNOPSIS 2. Thomas, J.A.G. (1986). An Introduction to Geological Maps.
Thomas Murphy and Co., London.
CORE COURSES 3. Tjia, H.D. (1984). Latihan Peta Geologi. (Edisi Kedua).
Penerbitan Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi. 135 p.
LEVEL 1 COURSES 4. Billings, M.P. (1972). Structural Geology (3rd Ed.), Prentice
Hall Inc.
Origins and structure of the Earth. Mineral and rocks. Rock cycle SIG1004 BASIC MINERALOGY
and geological time. Plate tectonics as a force in the formation of
earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain ranges and continental drift. The first part of the course introduces the petrographic
microscope, and the optical properties that are used when
Assessment Methods: identifying minerals. The second part of the course introduces
Continuous assessment : 40% some of the concepts used in crystallography, and some of the
Examination : 60% chemistry behind mineralogy. Concurrently with this, the student
is also introduced to the rock forming minerals in a systematic
Medium of Instruction: way, and learns to identify them using the petrographic
English microscope and standard reference texts.
Assessment Methods:
Soft Skills: Continuous assessment : 40%
CS3, CT3, LL2, LS2, EM2 Examination : 60%
References: Medium of Instruction:
1. Skinner and Porter (2004) The Dynamic Earth (5th Ed.), English
John Wiley and Sons Inc.
2. Lutgens and Tarbuck (2006) Essentials of Geology (9th Ed.), Soft Skills:
Pearson Prentice Hall. CS3, CT3, LS2, LL2, EM2, TS2
SIG1002 EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES 1. Deer, W.A. Howie, R.A. and Zussman, J. (1971). An
Introduction to the Rock Forming Minerals. Longman,
Processes that change the earth's surface. Weathering. London.
Erosion and deposition by natural agents. Rock cycle. 2. Kerr, F.K. (1959). Optical Mineralogy. McGraw-Hill, N.
Diagenesis and sedimentary rocks. Principles of stratigraphy, York.
correlation and facies. 3. Moorhouse, W.W. (1959). The Study of Rocks in Thin
Section. Harper and Row Publications, New York.
Assessment Methods:
Continuous assessment : 40%
Medium of Instruction: Introduction to minerals, rocks and fossils based on the
English examination of hand specimens. The study of primary
characteristics of minerals such as crystal systems, crystal
Soft Skills: habits, hardness, lustre, colour etc. Compositions of minerals,
CS3, CT3, LL2, LS2, EM2 textures, crystal/grain sizes, rock fabrics, etc in the classification