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Buku Panduan Fakulti Sains:  Sesi 2015/2016

            References:                                        Examination          : 60%
            1.   Barnes,  J.  (1991):  Basic  Geological  Mapping.  Geol.  Soc.
                London Handbook Series. 118p.                  Medium of Instruction:
            2.   McClay,K. (1994) : Mapping of Geological Structures. Geol.   English
                Soc. London Handbook Series. 161p
            3.   Lattman,  L.H.  &  Ray,  R.G.  (1965):  Aerial  Photographs  In   Soft Skills:
                Field Geology, Hott, Rinehart & Winston, N. York. 221p.   CS3, CT3, TS3, LL3, EM2, KK1, LS2
            4.   Robinson   and   Coruh   (1988).   Basic   Exploration
                Geophysics. John Wiley and Son                 References:
                                                               1.   Taylor,  R.  (2009).  Ore  Textures  (Recognition  and
                                                                  Interpretation), 1  edition. Springer, 288 p.
                            LEVEL 3 COURSES                    2.   McCaffrey, K.J.W., Lenergan, L. and Wilkinson, J.J. (1999).
                                                                  Fractures,  Fluid  Flow  and  Mineralization,  1   edition.
            SIG3001 GEOLOGY OF MALAYSIA                           Cambridge University Press, 328 p.
                                                               3.   Kearey,  P,  Klepeis,  K.A.  and  Vine  F.J.  (2009).  Global
            The  geology  of  Peninsular  Malaysia,  Sarawak  and  Sabah   Tectonics, 3  edition. Wiley-Blackwell, 482 p.
            including  the  stratigraphy,  igneous  and  metamorphic  events,
            structure,  tectonics,  geologic  history  and  economic  minerals  of   SIG3004    GEOLOGICAL HAZARDS
            each region.
                                                               This course discusses the origins and effects of various natural
            Assessment Methods:                                disasters  such  as  earthquakes,  volcanic  activity,  tsunamis,
            Continuous assessment   : 40%                      landslides,  floods  and  subsidence  as  well  as  extreme  climate
            Examination           : 60%                        events  and  long-term  climate  change.  Methods  to  identify  and
                                                               assess  the  impact  of  these  will  be  discussed  along  with
            Medium of Instruction:                             techniques for showing them on a map the spatial distribution of
            English                                            disaster.  For  some  hazard  mitigation  measures  will  also  be
            Soft Skills:
            CS3, CT3, LL2, TS2, KK1, EM2, LS1                  Assessment Methods:
                                                               Continuous assessment   : 40%
            References:                                        Examination          : 60%
            1.   Hutchison,  C.S.  &  Tan,  D.N.K  (2009).    Geology  of  the
                Malay Peninsula. University of Malaya & Geological Society   Medium of Instruction:
                of Malaysia.                                   English
            2.   Hutchison, C.S. (1996). Geological Evolution of South-east
                Asia. Geological Society of Malaysia.          Soft Skills:
            3.   Hutchison,  C.S.  (2005).  Geology  of  North-west  Borneo.   CS3, CT3, TS2, LL3, EM2, KK1, LS2
            4.   Lee,  C.P.  et  al.  (2004).  Stratigraphic  Lexicon  of  Malaysia.   References:
                Geological Society of Malaysia.                1.   Hyndman, D. & Hyndman, D. (2010): Natural hazards and
                                                                   Disasters. Cengage Learning, 592 p.
            SIG3002   QUATERNARY GEOLOGY                       2.   Coch,  N.K.  (1995):  Geohazards:  Natural  and  Human.
                                                                   Prentice Hall, 481 p.
            Climatic  and  sea-level  changes  during  the  Quaternary  Period.    3.   Natural  Hazards.    Jour.  Int.  Soc.  for  Prevention  &
            Models  of  climatic  change.    Quaternary  record  in  oceans  and   Mitigation of Natural Hazards. Springer.
            oxygen  isotope  stratigraphy.    Classification  and  dating  of
            Quaternary  sediments.    Practical  classes  on  identification  of
            Holocene landforms. Interpretation of borehole logs to determine   SIG3005   GEOLOGY RESEARCH PROJECT
            the stratigraphy and physical features of Quaternary sediments
            in Malaysia.                                       Some  4  weeks  of  fieldwork  in  a  specified  area  followed  by
                                                               laboratory  studies  and  submission  of  a  Report  containing  a
            Assessment Methods:                                geological map and cross-section as well as relevant illustrations
            Continuous assessment   : 40%                      and literature reviews.  Prior to fieldwork, a project Proposal has
            Examination           : 60%                        to  be  submitted  and  approved.  In  some  cases,  there  can  be
                                                               laboratory  based  studies  on  a  specific  geological  problem  or
            Medium of Instruction:                             topic  and  submission  of  a  Report  including  appropriate
            English                                            illustrations,  literature  reviews  and  methodology.  Prior  to  the
                                                               laboratory work, a project Proposal needs to be submitted and
            Soft Skills:                                       approved.  Results  of  the  field  and/or  laboratory  based  studies
            CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, LS2, EM2                       will  be  presented  at  an  Initial  Viva  and  Seminar,  as  well  as
                                                               defended at a Final Viva.
            1.   Bowen, D.Q. (1978). Quaternary Geology - A stratigraphic   Assessment Methods:
                framework for multi-disciplinary work.  Pergamon Press.   Continuous assessment   : 100%
            2.   Lowe,  J.J.  and  Walker,  M.J.C.  (1984).  Reconstructing
                Quaternary Environments.  Longman Scientific & Technical.   Medium of Instruction:
            3.   West, R.G. (1977). Pleistocene Geology and Biology (2nd   English
                Ed.). Longman.
                                                               Soft Skills:
            SIG3003    ECONOMIC GEOLOGY                        CS4, CT4, TS3, LL3, EM2, LS2

            Evolution of important ore deposits and geological environment   References:
            including  lithology,  stratigraphy  and  tectonic.  Study  of  ore   1.   Buku-buku teks Geologi
            minerals.  Usage  and  principles  of  reflectance  microscope.  Ore   2.   Bulletin Geological Society of Malaysia & Warta Geologi
            mineral  identification  (optical  and  physical  properties).   3.   Memoirs & laporan tahunan, Jabatan Mineral & Geosains,
            Interpretation of paragenesis with certain texture.   Malaysia.

            Assessment Methods:
            Continuous assessment   : 40%
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