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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

               economic  resources,  medicinal  value,  animal  food and  and root; morphological and anatomical adaptations in the
               biofertilizers are also discussed.               organs  associated  with  specific  functions  and  habitat;
                                                                mechanisms in water absorption, water transport, phloem
               Assessment Methods:                              translocation, photosynthesis in C3, C4 and CAM plants,
               Continuous Assessment:  60%                      the role of stomata in transpiration. Finally, the formation
               Final Examination:    40%                        and  development  of  the  reproductive  organs,  their
                                                                diversity and adaptations for life on earth are discussed.
               Medium of Instruction:
               English                                          Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment :  50%
               Soft Skills:                                     Final Examination :   50%
               CS3, CT2, TS2
                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               Main References:                                 English
               1.  Robert  Edward  Lee  (2008)  Phycology  4 th  Edition.
                   Cambridge University Press                   Soft Skills:
               2.  Robert  G.  Wetzel  (2001)  Limnology,  Third  Edition:  CS3, CT2, TS1
                   Lake and River Ecosystems
               3.  Christiaan  Hoek  (1995)  Algae  :  An  Introduction  to  Main References:
                   Phycology. Cambridge University Press        1.  MacAdam,  J.  W.  (2009).  Structure  and  function  of
                                                                    plants.  1 st  Edition.  Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN-13:978-0-
               SIE 2007 POPULATION AND COMMUNITY ECOLOGY        2.  Beck, C. B. (2010). An introduction to plant structure
                                                                    and development.  2 nd  Edition.  Cambridge  University
               Introduction  to  population  growth  and  dynamics  of  age‐  Press. ISBN: 9780521518055
               structured  populations,  population  control,  theory  of  3.  Bowes,  B.  G.  &  Mauseth,  J.  D.  (2009).  Plant
               competition,  herbivory,  predation,  community,  trophic  structure:  A  colour  guide.  2 nd  Edition.  Manson
               structure   and   control,   community   diversity,   and  Publishing. ISBN-13: 9780763763862
               maintenance of diversity. Identify the processes affecting  4.  Hodson,  M.J.  &  Bryant,  J.A.  (2012).  Functional
               abundance of organisms and how population abundance  Biology of Plants. Wiley-Blackwell.
               changes  through  time,  demographic  characteristics  of  a  5.  Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Moeller, I.M., Murphy, A. (2014).
               population and the techniques used for quantifying these  Plant  Physiology  and  Development.  6 th  Edition.
               characteristics. The impact of abiotic factors on the nature  Sinauer Associates, Inc.
               of  population  change  at  small  and  large  scale  will  be
                                                                SIE 2009 ANIMAL STRUCTURE, FUNCTION AND
               Assessment Methods:                                      PHYSIOLOGY
               Continuous Assessment:  60%
               Final Examination:    40%                        This  involves  the  animal  study  of  the anatomy  and
                                                                physiology  of  a  wide  range  of  species  including  humans
               Medium of Instruction:                           that  enable  them  to  meet  their  need  to  survive  and
               English                                          reproduce. To do this, animals acquire, process and use
                                                                energy  to  cope  with  internal  and  external  challenges
               Soft Skills:                                     through  a  variety  of  physiological,  morphological  and
               CS4, CT3, TS3                                    behavioural adaptations. An integrated approach is taken
                                                                to combine microanatomy, gross anatomy and physiology
               Main References:                                 in learning of the body systems. Concepts and theories in
               1. Rockwood,  L.L.  (2015). Introduction  to  Population  lectures  are  expanded  and  developed  in  interactive
                  Ecology. 2 Ed. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-1-118-  laboratories and explorative practicals.
               2. Morin, P.J. (2011). Community Ecology. 2 Ed. Wiley-  Assessment Methods:
                  Blackwell.                                    Continuous Assessment:  50%
               3. Vandermeer  J.H  &  Goldberg,  D.  E  2013.  Population  Final Examination:  50%
                  Ecology:  First  Principles.  Princeton  University.  ISBN
                  9780691160313.                                Medium of Instruction:
               4. Mittelbach,  G.G.2012.Community  Ecology.  ISBN  English
               5. Garderner  M.  2014.  Community  Ecology:  Analytical  Soft Skills:
                  Methods Using R and Excel. Pelagic Publishing.  CS4, CT3, TS3
                                                                Main References:
               SIE 2008 PLANT STRUCTURE, FUNCTION AND           1.  Randall, D, W. Burggren & K. French. 2014. Eckert
                        PHYSIOLOGY                                  Animal Physiology. W.H. Freeman.
                                                                2.  Moyes, CD& PM. Schulte. 2013. Principles of Animal
               This course first introduces the three plant tissue systems  Physiology. Pearson.
               and  their  cellular  components  followed  by  discussion  on  3.  Hill, RW, GA. Gordon & M. Anderson. 2012. Animal
               the  structural  diversity  of  the  vegetative  organs  (root,  Physiology.
               stem, leaf and meristem). This is followed by the following
               topics: leaf morphogenesis and secondary growth in stem

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