Page 149 - handbook 20162017
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

               from  population  to  community,  microsatellites  and  Assessment Methods:
               population  genetics,  structure  and  function  of  microbial  Continous assessment:  100%
               community,  ancient  DNA,  molecular  approach  in
               conservation.                                    Medium of Instruction:
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous assessment:  60%                      Soft Skills:
               Final examination:    40%.                       CS3, TS2, EM1
               Medium of Instruction:                           Main References:
               English                                          No specific references.
               Soft Skills:
               CS4, CT2, TS2                                    SIE 3003 BIODIVERSITY GOVERNANCE AND
               Main References:
               1.  Carvalho,  G.R.  1998.  Advances  in  Molecular  Biodiversity   Governance:   policies,   agreements,
                   Ecology. IOS Press.                          regulations  and  legal  protection  of  species.  Biological
               2.  Avise, J.C. 1994. Molecular Markers, Natural History  diversity and its importance. Threats to biological diversity;
                   & Evolution. Chapman & Hall.                 causes  to  loss  of  biological  diversity.  Global  initiative for
               3.  Baker,  A.J.  2000.  Molecular  Methods  in  Ecology.  species/habitats/landscape  protection:  CITES,  RAMSAR,
                   Blackwell.                                   UNESCO  WHS.  The  CBD.  National  Biodiversity  Policy,
               4.           Protected  Areas,  Forestry  and  Wildlife  Acts.  Local
               5.              implementation of CITES and other international treaties.
               6.  States  Enactment:  State  Parks,  Sarawak  Biodiversity
                   ng-molecular-  techniques-to-answer-ecological-  Council.  Conservation:  introduction,  concept,  values  and
                   questions-15643181                           ethics.  Species  introduction,  invasions  and  migration.
                                                                Habitat degradation.
               SIE 3001 RESEARCH PROJECT IN ECOLOGY AND         Assessment Methods:
                        BIODIVERSITY                            Continuous Assessment:  50%
                                                                Final Examination:    50%
               The  student  chooses  a  research  title  and  carries  it  out
               according  to  the  supervision  of  his/her  supervisor.    A  Medium of Instruction:
               research  proposal  detailing literature  review,  objectives,  English
               methodology  and  research  design,  schedule  table  of
               research and research budget, needs to be submitted to  Soft Skills:
               the supervisor within a month.  Research work and thesis  CS3, TS2, LL2
               writing are carried out in Semester I and Semester II. The
               completed  thesis  must  be  submitted  at  the  end  of  Main References:
               Semester  I and  Semester  II for  examination  by  the  1.  Principles of conservation Biology/Martha J. Groom,
               supervisor.  A  presentation  of  the  research  work  in  the  Gary  K.  Meffe,  C.  Ronald  Carroll.  Sunderland,  MA:
               form  of  seminar  or  poster  is  needed  before  the  thesis  Sinaeur Assosciates, 2006.
               submission.                                      2.  Essentials  of  conservation  biology/Richard  B.
                                                                    Primack.  Sunderland,  Mass.:  Sinaeur Associates,
               Assessment Methods:                                  2002
               Continuous Assessment:  100%                     3.  Searching  for  sustainability:  interdiciplinaryessays  in
                                                                    the  philosophy  of  conservation  biology/  Bryan  G.
               Medium of Instruction:                               Norton. Cambridge University Press 2003.;Via:ebrary
               Malay or English                                 4.
                                                                5.  MOSTE  (1997)  Assesment  of  Biological  Diversity  in
               Soft Skills:                                         Malaysia
               CS4, CT5, TS2                                    6.
               Main References:                                 8.
               1.  Paul  Oliver  (2004).  Writing  Your  Thesis.  SAGE  9.
                   publisher, U.K. 224 pp.                      10.
               2.  Guy Roberts-Holmes (2005). Doing Your Early Years  11.
                   Research  Project: A  step-by-step  guide,  SAGE
                   Publisher, U.K. 176 pp.
               3.  Other reading materials prescribed by supervisor.  SIE 3004 QUANTITATIVE ECOLOGY

                                                                Principles  of  ecological  sampling  and  data  collection.
               SIE 3002 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING IN ECOLOGY AND      Experimental  and  sampling  designs,  sample  size,
                        BIODIVERSITY                            sampling  layout,    etc.    Biotic  sampling  methods.
                                                                Population  analysis  such  as  age  structure,  survivorship,
               The content of this training depends on where the student  life  tables  and  growth.  Methods  for  population analysis,
               is  placed  and  usually  involves field  work  and  on  the  job  including capture-recapture methods. Modelling intra- and
               training related to issues of biology and diversity.  inter-specific  relationships  (Lotka-Volterra). Community

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