Page 221 - handbook 20162017
P. 221

Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

                                 SEMESTER 4                SEMESTER 5              SEMESTER 6          TOTAL
                               COURSE       CREDIT      COURSE       CREDIT     COURSE       CREDIT   CREDITS
            Kursus Elektif
            Luar Fakulti  XXXX#### KELF        2                                                         2
                          SIF2002                   SIF2003                  SIF3001 Nuclear
                          Electromagnetism I   3    Electromagnetism II  3   Physics           3

            Program Core  SIF2004 Mechanics    3    SIF2005 Statistical  3   SIF3002 Atomic    3
                                                                             and Molecular
            Courses                                 Physics                  Physics                    34
                          SIF2008              2    SIF2006 Optics     2     SIF3004 Project   4
                          SIF2011 Practical    4    SIF3004 Project    4
                          Applied Physics
            Program Elective  Program Elective  6   SIF#### Program    3     SIF#### Program   6        15
            Courses       Course                    Elective Course          Elective Course
            Faculty Elective                        SXX#### Faculty    2                                 2
            Courses                                 Elective Course  ‡
            Total Credits                     20                       17                      16       53

                                 SEMESTER KHAS             SEMESTER 7              SEMESTER 8          TOTAL
              COMPONENT         COURSE       CREDIT     COURSE       CREDIT     COURSE       CREDIT   CREDITS
            University Courses                                                                           0
            Departmental Core  SIF3005 Industrial  4  SIF3003 Solid State  3                             7
            Courses         Training                 Physics
            Program Elective                         SIF#### Program   9                                 9
            Courses                                  Elective Course
            Faculty Elective                         SXX#### Faculty   3                                 3
            Courses                                  Elective Course ‡
            Jumlah Kredit                      4                       15                               19

            TOTAL CREDITS: 126 CREDITS
            ‡ Students may choose any course offered by other than the Physcis Department in the Faculty of Science.
            *Students may choose any course offered by other faculties (except Faculty of Science) listed by the Sections for Co-Curricular, External Faculty
            Elctives and TITAS (SKET).
            @ For international students, this course is replaced with GIG1006 Introduction to Malaysia.

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