Page 3 - BulletinScienceUM365v3_Julai2024
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                                            Editor's Note

 3  Editor's Note

 4  Featured                                 elcome to the latest issue of

 Publication in                              our  bulletin,  where  we  cele-

 High Impact                                 brate the remarkable achieve-
 Journal                                     ments and vibrant life within

                                             the Faculty of Science at the
 Student’s Highlight
 6 6  10  Alumni Insights  cations continue to make a significant impact
       W  Universiti Malaya. Our publi-

      in ISI journals, showcasing the pioneering re-

 16  Events &   search conducted by our faculty and students.

 Activities  The experiences of our students are enriched

      by the dynamic academic environment and the

      myriad opportunities for personal and profes-

      sional growth at  our esteemed  university. We

      are also proud to share the knowledge, ideas,

 Editorial Members  and accomplishments of our alumni, whose
 Dr. Hashem Salarzadeh  contributions  to  science  and  society  inspire
 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teo Yin Yin
 9  Dr. Ungku Ferwani Salwa  current and future generations. This issue hi-

 Dr. Mohd Arif
      ghlights some of our bold and incredible even-
 Dr. Lin Chin Yik

 Dr. M. Vijayan  ts, presented by the Faculty of Science, which
 Mrs. Suguna Devi  foster innovation, collaboration, and a spirit
 Dr. Shaiful Anuar
 Dr. Hijaz Kamal  of inquiry.  We invite you to delve into these
 Dr. Nur Fadhilah  stories and join us in celebrating the exce-
 Mr. Thinnesh  llence that defines the Universiti Malaya.
 Mr. Akmal
 Mr. Norhamdan

 17  NEWS MAGAZINE  2  Faculty of Science           NEWS MAGAZINE   3   Editor-in-Chief Science@UM365
                                                                                   Dr. Hashem Salarzadeh
 Universiti Malaya, 50603,
 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
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