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Publication in High Impact Journal                                                                                 Publication in High Impact Journal

                                                     Title: Evaluation of Real-Time Monitoring on the Growth of Spirulina
                                                     Microalgae: Internet of Things and Microalgae Technologies
                                                     Journal Title: IEEE Internet of Things Journal
                                                     Impact factor: 10.6
                                                     Volume 11 Issue 2, 15 January 2024

                                                     UM Author: Ling Tau Chuan
                                                                                                                            Title: Emerging absorption-based techniques for removing micro-
                      Microalgae farming is still in its infancy phase to implement internet-of-things (IoT) techno-
                                                                                                                            plastics and nanoplastics from actual water bodies
                 abstract  commercially viable microalgae for large-scale production. There are various methods to measure   Volume 170, January 2024
                                                                                                                            Journal Title: TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry
                    logies. Spirulina microalgae was selected to be investigated in this study because it is the most
                                                                                                                            Impact factor: 13.1
                    the biomass concentration of microalgae. However, the conventional methods are time-consu-

                                                                                                                            UM Author: Khor Sook Mei
                    ming, laborious, or expensive. Therefore, this research aims to integrate IoT with a biomass con-
                    centration sensor (TCS3200), to monitor the biomass concentration of Spirulina in real-time and
                                                                                                                               Microplastics and nanoplastics contamination in aquatic environments has become
                    remotely through the cloud-based system (ThingSpeak). The TCS3200 sensor was programmed
                                                                                                                            a growing public concern due to their potential adverse health effects and toxicity. Due
                    and set up to measure the absorbance of the Spirulina culture in a 10-L cultivation tank. The data
                                                                                                                            to the diverse varieties and morphologies of microplastics, it is challenging to imple-
                    was collected and stored in the cloud Thingspeak platform. Besides, additional parameters such
                    as temperature, light intensity, and water level were monitored to gain a comprehensive unders-
                                                                                                                            and chemical processes, have been investigated to remediate microplastics, but the
                    tanding of the entire cultivation process. These sensors were all controlled by a Lolin NodeMCU         ment an effective removal strategy. Various approaches, including biological, physical,    abstract
                                                                                                                            overall effect is still low. Among the developed techniques, adsorption has demonstra-
                    ESP8266 microcontroller. The TCS3200 sensor was found to be better suited for measuring low             ted its simple operation, practical reusability, and relatively short required time. This
                    biomass concentrations, while a UV-Vis spectrophotometer was able to measure higher biomass             review aims to evaluate and compare the strengths and limitations of MOF, aerogel,
                    concentrations after the sample was diluted. Real-time monitoring of these parameters allows for        and sponge as emerging microplastic removal materials. The composition and pro-
                    timely adjustments to be made to the cultivation conditions to optimize the growth and produc-          perties of the matrix determined the removal efficacy (removal time, adsorption ca-
                    tivity of the Spirulina culture and detect any problems or abnormalities in the process. The use of     pacity) and durability (reusability). The impact of the use of these emerging materials
                    IoT technologies in the cultivation of microalgae can improve the efficiency and sustainability of      on health and the environment is meticulously evaluated. The expectations and new
                    the process and provide valuable data for further research and development.                             challenges associated with these cutting-edge innovations are discussed.


              Title: Academic resilience, self-efficacy, and motivation: the role of parenting style
              Journal Title: Scientific Reports                                                                                                                  Title: Non-metricity with boundary terms: f(Q,C) gravity and cosmology
              Impact factor: 4.6                                                                                                                                 Journal Title: Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
              Volume 14, 6 March 2024                                                                                                                            Impact factor: 6.4
                                                                                                                                                                 Volume 23, 26 March 2024
              UM Author: Hashem Salarzadeh Jenatabadi
                                                                                                                                                                 Author: Loo Tee How
                  Previous research has found that parenting style influences academic resilience. Nonetheless,
                few studies have focused on the mechanism underlying the relationship between parenting
                style and academic resilience. This study aims to examine the relationship between adolescen-                              We formulate f(Q,C) gravity and cosmology. Such a construction is based on the symme-
                ts' parenting style and academic resilience, drawing upon the framework of Social Cognitive                             tric teleparallel geometry, but apart form the non-metricity scalar Q we incorporate in the
                Theory. Specifically, it wants to explore the mediating roles of self-efficacy and academic moti-                       Lagrangian the boundary term C of its difference from the standard Levi-Civita Ricci scalar
                vation in this relationship. The participants were 518 students chosen at random from educa-        abstract            R̊. We extract the general metric and affine connection field equations, we apply them at a
                tional institutions in the Chinese provinces of Zhejiang, Shanghai, and Jiangsu. Social Cognitive                   abstract  cosmological framework, and adopting three different types of symmetric teleparallel affine
                Theory was the theoretical foundation for the study, and the Parental Authority Questionnaire                           connections we obtain the modified Friedmann equations. As we show, we acquire an ef-
                was used to measure parenting style. Out of the respondents, 55.5% were male and 45.5% fe-                              fective dark-energy sector of geometrical origin, which can lead to interesting cosmological
                male. The student allocation in the study sample was as follows: 62.34% undergraduate, 28.22%                           phenomenology. Additionally, we may obtain an effective interaction between matter and
                master’s, and 9.44% PhD. More than 60% of participants were over 25 years old. Moreover, the                            dark energy. Finally, examining a specific model, we show that we can obtain the usual ther-
                findings revealed that parenting style was directly and positively related to academic resilience.                      mal history of the universe, with the sequence of matter and dark-energy epochs, while the
                Parenting style was also found to be indirectly and positively related to academic resilience                           effective dark-energy equation-of-state parameter can be quintessence-like, phantom-like, or
                via self-efficacy and academic motivation, respectively, and sequentially. More crucially, it was                       cross the phantom-divide during evolution.
                discovered that the direct association was far lower than the indirect effects, with self-efficacy                                                                       
                being the most effective. The study indicates a relationship between parenting style and aca-
                demic resilience in adolescents, with self-efficacy and academic motivation acting as the main
                mediators. These findings emphasize the significance of these intermediary elements, implying
                that they play a larger role than the direct influence of parenting style alone.


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