Page 119 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

                     INSTITUTE OF                       STAFF
                       SCIENCES                ISM   has   a   group   of
                                               experienced   lecturers   in
               The  Institute of  Mathematical   teaching. They are also active
               Sciences,  abbreviated  ISM,    in  doing  research  and  have
               was    established   as   a     been publishing many writings
               department  in  the  Faculty  of   in  local  and  international
               Science  when  the  University   journals.   The   research
               of  Malaya  was  founded  in    activities encompass a broad
               Kuala Lumpur in 1959. It has    spectrum,  from  findings  and
               grown  into  three  branches:   knowledge that are abstract in
               pure  mathematics,  applied     nature  to  those  with  direct
               mathematics,  and  statistics.   applications  in  the  industry.
               For  the  2024/2025  session,   ISM  also  strives  to  establish
               ISM offers the following three   and forge a close relationship
               first degree programs:          with   industry   and   other
                                               research  institutions.  This
                 Bachelor  of  Science  in    strengthens  the  quality  of
                   Mathematics.                teaching  and  supervising  of
                 Bachelor  of  Science  in    projects/theses for students in
                   Statistics.                 bachelor’s,   Master’s   and
                 Bachelor of Actuarial        doctoral levels.

               The three Bachelor of Science   HEAD:
               programs are set up to provide   Prof. Dr. Wong Kok Bin,
               more  opportunities  for  an    BSc, MSc, PhD(UM)
               undergraduate to major in the
               field of mathematics according   DEPUTY HEADS:
               to his or her interests. All these   Associate Prof. Dr. Adriana
               programs  will  assist  to  fulfill   Irawati Nur Ibrahim,
               the   vacancies   of   skilled   BSc(USM), MSc(UM),
               workforce  in  science  and     PhD(Bath)
               technology  in  the  public  and   Associate Prof. Dr. Noor
               private  sectors  in  line  with   Fadiya Mohd Noor,
               Malaysia's   aspiration   to    BSc(UTM), MSc(UTM),
               become a developed nation.      PhD(UKM)
                                               Associate Prof. Dr. Zailan
                                               Siri, BSc(UM), MSc(UPM),
                                               Dr. Siti Suzlin Supadi, BSc,
                                               MSc, PhD(UM)

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