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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               Dr. Khang Tsung Fei, BSc,       Dr. Syaza Nawwarah Zein
               MSc(UM), PhD(NUS)               Isma, BSc(UM), MSc(IIUM),
               Dr. Rossita Mohamad             PhD(ANU)
               Yunus, BSc, MSc(UM),

               SENIOR LECTURERS:               COORDINATOR (B.Sc. Ed.
               Dr. Dharini Pathmanathan,       Mathematics):
               BSc, MSc, PhD(UM)               Dr. Shahizat Amir,
               Dr. Ng Choung Min,              BSc(UKM), MPhil, PhD(UM)
               BSc(UTM), MSc, PhD(UM)
               Dr. Nur Anisah Mohamed,
               BSc, MSc(UM),                      RESEARCH AREAS
                                               Research   areas   at   ISM
                                               include: differential geometry,
                ACTUARIAL SCIENCE UNIT         group  theory,  ring  theory,
                                               linear  preserver  problems,
               COORDINATOR (B.                 functional identities, linear and
               ACTUARIAL SCIENCE):             multilinear  algebra,  matrix
               Dr. Syaza Nawwarah Zein         theory,  combinatorial  graph
               Isma, BSc(UM), MSc(IIUM),       theory,  graph  theory,  social
               PhD(ANU)                        network analysis, supply chain
                                               management,    operational
               ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS:           research,   atomic   collision
               Mr. Ravee Menon, B.Eng          physics,  image  processing
               (Hons) (UM), M. Actuarial Sc    and pattern recognition, chaos
               (Georgia State US), ASA,        theory   and   simulation,
               AIAA                            communication   protocols,
                                               data  security,  mathematical
               SENIOR LECTURERS:               modelling,  fluid  dynamics,
               Dr. Koh You Beng,               computational fluid dynamics,
               BSc(UMS), MSc(UM),              boundary  layer,  heat  and
               PhD(HKU)                        mass   transfer,   numerical
               Dr. Mohd Azmi Haron, BSc,       analysis,    cryptography,
               MBA(UPM), PhD(UPM)              demography,     Bayesian
               Mdm. Nadiah Zabri,              statistics,  spatial,  analysis,
               BSc(UW Madison),                computational   statistics,
               MSc(Kent), FIA                  robust  statistics,  probability
               Dr. Shaiful Anuar Abu           distribution  theory,  nonlinear
               Bakar, BSc(UiTM),               time   series,   regression
               MSc(Heriot-Watt),               analysis,  statistical  quality
               PhD(Manchester)                 control, mathematical biology,

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