Page 224 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

                LEVEL 3
                  COURSE         COURSE NAME           PRE-     CREDIT
                   CODE                              REQUISITE
                SII3013    Advanced Geophysics      SII2007       3
                SII3014    Geohazard                SII1001       3
                SII3015    Quaternary Geology       SII1002       3
                SII3016    Stratigraphic Methods    SII2004       3
                SII3017    Geology of South East Asia   SII1001   2
                SII3018    Petroleum Geology        SII2004       4
                SII3019    Organic Petrology        SII2004       3
                SII3020    Industrial Minerals      SII3009       2
                SII3021    Tectonics and Earth History   SII2006   2
                SII3022    Mineral and Mining Exploration   SII2009   3
                SII3023    Geological Site Investigation   SII2016   2
                           Unconventional Oil and Gas
                SII3024                             SII2004       3
                SIM1001    Basic Mathematics                      4
                SIM1002    Calculus I                             4
                  ** Minor package
                 (1) Students are required to complete a minimum of 18 credits under the same minor package in order
               to be displayed on the transcript.
                 (2)  For  further  information,  student  can  refer  to  UMSItS  Guide  via  this  link  :

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