Page 229 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2024/2025
COURSE SYNOPSIS structures, including folds,
faults, foliations, and igneous
LEVEL 1 COURSES bodies. Description,
identification, and
SII1001 INTRODUCTION interpretation of structures on
TO THE EARTH geologic maps. Construction
of cross-sections and
Origins and structure of the interpretations of geologic
Earth. Mineral and rocks. history
Rock cycle and geological
time. Plate tectonics as a force Assessment Methods:
in the formation of Continuous assessment: 60%
earthquakes, volcanoes, Examination : 40%
mountain ranges and
continental drift. SII1004 MINERALOGY
Assessment Methods: Examination of mineral hand
Continuous assessment: 40% specimens. The study of
Examination : 60% primary characteristics of
minerals such as crystal
SII1002 EARTH SURFACE systems, crystal habits,
PROCESSES hardness, lustre, colour etc.
The use of petrographic
Processes that change the microscope for the
earth's surface. Weathering. identification of minerals
Erosion and deposition by based on optical properties.
natural agents. Rock cycle. The course introduces some
Diagenesis and sedimentary of the concepts used in
rocks. Principles of crystallography, and some of
stratigraphy, correlation, and the chemistry behind
facies. mineralogy. Students are also
introduced to the rock forming
Assessment Methods: minerals in a systematic way
Continuous assessment: 40% and learn to identify them
Examination : 60% using the petrographic
microscope and standard
SII1003 GEOLOGICAL reference texts.
Assessment Methods:
The principles of structural Continuous assessment:
geology and geological map 100%
interpretation. Nature and
morphology of geologic