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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               SII2004   SEDIMENTOLOGY         SII2006   PALEONTOLOGY

               This   course   touches  on     Study   of    invertebrate
               methods  of  describing  and    macrofossils,  trace  fossils,
               classifying  sediments  and     and  plant  fossils  in  terms  of
               sedimentary  rocks,  including   morphology,   taxonomy,
               siliciclastic,  carbonates  etc.   palaeoecology,
               This  course  also  discusses   biostratigraphy, evolution and
               the  origin  and  processes  of   palaeobiogeography.
               formation,  transportation  and
               deposition  of  sediments,  and   Assessment Methods:
               the process of transformation   Continuous assessment: 40%
               of sediments into sedimentary   Examination              : 60%
               rocks  via  diagenesis.  The
               method  of  interpretation  of   SII2007 INTRODUCTION TO
               interpreting  past  depositional   GEOPHYSICS
               history using facies analysis is
               also taught.                    Theory   of   geophysical
                                               methods   (seismic   gravity
               Assessment Methods:             magnetic and electrical). Data
               Continuous assessment: 40%      acquisition  and  reduction  of
               Examination              : 60%   data.   Problems   in   data
                                               acquisition   and   reduction.
               SII2005     IGNEOUS  AND        Sources   of   geophysical
               METAMORPHIC                     anomalies.   Analysis   and
               PETROLOGY                       interpretation  of  anomalies
                                               and  modeling.  Application  in
               Classification   of   igneous   exploration and industries.
               rocks.  Magma  evolution  and
               petrogenetic    processes.      Assessment Methods:
               Diversity  of  igneous  rock.   Continuous assessment: 40%
               Definition,   Types    of       Examination              : 60%
               metamorphism   and   their
               limitations.   Depth   zones,   SII2008   GEOLOGY  AND
               facies,   and   reaction   in   COMMUNITY
               metamorphism.   Microscope
               study   of   Igneous   and      This course exposes students
               metamorphic rock.               to  community  service  related
                                               to  geological  field.  Students
               Assessment Methods:             need  to  plan  and  implement
               Continuous assessment: 40%      community     engagement
               Examination              : 60%   programs related to geology in
                                               groups.  Students  are  also

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