Page 236 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
P. 236
Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2024/2025
geologic history, and Application in exploration and
economic resources of each industries.
Assessment Methods: Assessment Methods:
Continuous assessment: 40% Continuous assessment: 40%
Examination : 60% Examination : 60%
Perspectives on natural
Student will be placed in a disasters such as
geology or related industry of earthquakes, volcanic activity,
their choice for a duration of tsunamis, landslides, floods
16 weeks. Students will be and sinking. Steps on how to
exposed to everyday working identify and assess the effects
activities as instructed by their of geological disasters will be
supervisor(s) at the industry. discussed. Mitigation
Students are required to measures to reduce the
record their daily activities in a impact of disasters will also be
logbook, prepare a discussed.
presentation and a report for
evaluation. The training Assessment Methods:
program will be briefed by the Continuous assessment: 40%
industrial training program Examination : 60%
Assessment Methods: GEOLOGY
Continuous assessment:
100% Climatic and sea-level
changes during the
SII3013 ADVANCED Quaternary Period. Classical
GEOPHYSICS models of Quaternary geology
and processes that form the
Theory of geophysical landscape. Quaternary
methods (seismic reflection, record in oceans and oxygen
gravity and borehole isotope
geophysics). Data acquisition stratigraphy. Classification
and reduction of data. and dating of Quaternary
Problems in data acquisition sediments. Practical classes
and reduction. Sources of on identification of Holocene
geophysical anomalies. landforms. Interpretation of
Analysis and interpretation of borehole logs to determine the
anomalies and modeling. stratigraphy and physical