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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2024/2025
features of Quaternary SII3018 PETROLEUM
sediments in Malaysia. GEOLOGY
Assessment Methods: Description and discussion of
Continuous assessment: 40% the different elements and
Examination : 60% processes that constitute the
petroleum system. The
SII3016 STRATIGRAPHIC petroleum industry.
METHODS Sedimentary basins and
depositional systems.
This course teaches the Characteristics of source
principles of rocks and reservoir rocks.
chronostratigraphy, seismic Subsurface mapping,
stratigraphy and sequence methods, tools and
stratigraphy and its application petrophysical evaluation in
in interpreting, correlating, and hydrocarbon exploration &
mapping subsurface data. production. Main hydrocarbon
Through practical exercises, provinces and selected case
the students are exposed to studies.
the applications of Walther’s
Law, well log interpretation, Assessment Methods:
well log correlation and Continuous assessment: 40%
seismic interpretation. Examination : 60%
Assessment Methods: SII3019 ORGANIC
Continuous assessment: 40% PETROLOGY
Examination : 60%
Study of organic matter from
SII3017 GEOLOGY OF the perspective of
SOUTH EAST ASIA sedimentology and petroleum
geology which include coal
Systematic learning of South formation, petrographic
East Asia regional geology, composition of coal, origin of
distribution of geological macerals, correlation of coal
resources, tectonic history facies with depositional
through geological time, and environment, coalification
the formation of today’s South process, vitrinite reflectance
East Asia. analysis and kerogen typing.
This also includes studies on
Assessment Methods: visual kerogen
Continuous assessment: 40% typing. Findings of this course
Examination : 60% will be used for applications in