Page 235 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
P. 235
Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2024/2025
Assessment Methods: Interpretation of paragenesis
Continuous Assessment: with certain texture.
Assessment Methods:
SII2018 ENVIRONMENTAL Continuous assessment: 40%
GEOLOGY Examination : 60%
Geological features SII3010 GEOLOGY
associated with man's RESEARCH PROJECT
physical environment,
including landforms as well as Some 3 weeks of fieldwork in
internal and external a specified area followed by
geological laboratory studies and
processes. Impacts of man's submission of a report
activities and structures on containing a geological map
the dynamic and cross-section as well as
earth. Environmental Impact relevant illustrations and
Assessments. Exposure to literature reviews. Prior to
students on aspects of fieldwork, a research proposal
sampling and analysis of must be submitted and
environmental geological approved. In some cases,
samples. there can be laboratory-based
studies on a specific
Assessment Methods: geological problem or
Continuous assessment: topic. Results of the field
100% and/or laboratory studies and
interpretation will be
presented at an initial viva and
LEVEL 3 COURSES seminar, as well as defended
at a final viva.
RESOURCES Assessment Methods:
Continuous assessment:
Evolution of important ore 100%
deposits and geological
environment including SII3011 GEOLOGY
lithology, stratigraphy and OF MALAYSIA
tectonic. Study of ore
minerals. Usage and The geology of Peninsular
principles of reflectance Malaysia, Sarawak and Sabah
microscope. Ore mineral including the stratigraphy,
identification (optical and igneous and metamorphic
physical properties). events, structure, tectonics,