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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               SII1005 FUNDAMENTAL OF             LEVEL 2 COURSES
               FIELD GEOLOGY
                                               SII2002         APPLIED
               Introduction   to   geological   GEOLOGY FIELD COURSE
               fieldwork, field equipment and
               basic   field   safety.   Field   Principles  and  techniques  of
               methods and techniques used     geological  fieldwork  and  field
               in  geological  mapping  and    data  acquisition.  Preparing
               data  acquisition.  Preparation   geological maps using manual
               of  geological  map,  cross-    and  digital  methods.  The
               sections, and report.           course involves four weeks of
                                               fieldwork  covering  general
               Assessment Methods:             geological mapping, structural
               Continuous    assessment:       geology,  sedimentology,  and
               100%                            economic geology.

               SII1006   SAFETY AND            Assessment Methods:
               GEOLOGY CODE OF                 Continuous    assessment:
               PRACTICE                        100%

               This  course  is  designed  to   SII2003   STRUCTURAL
               expose   students   to   the    GEOLOGY
               importance  of  ethics  and
               safety  in  the  practice  of   Principles   of   deformation.
               geology.  Students  will  be    Morphology and classification
               introduced  to  the  concept  of   of   geological   structures.
               geoethics, the responsibilities   Mechanism of faulting, folding
               of geologists to the public, and   and   related   structures.
               ethics   in   research   and    Stereographic  projections  of
               professional  practice.  This   geological  data.  Description,
               course  also  covers  safety  in   interpretation  and  analysis  of
               the   practice   of   geology   geological   structures   and
               including   in   the   field,   structural geology maps.
               laboratory and workplace.
                                               Assessment Methods:
               Assessment Methods:             Continuous assessment: 40%
               Continuous    assessment:       Examination              : 60%

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