Page 249 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session  2024/2025

               year  project  in  any  of  these  fields.  Industrial  training  is  also  a
               compulsory course.

               AREAS OF RESEARCH
               There are six research centres in the Department of Physics

               1  Centre for Theoretical Physics (CTP)
               2  Low Dimensional Materials Research Centre (LDMRC)
               3  Centre For Ionics University of Malaya (CIUM)
               4  Plasma Technology Research Centre (PTRC)
               and fifteen core areas:

               1. Applied Materials
               2. Solid-State Physics
               3. Microprocessor and Computational Physics
               4. Theoretical Physics
               5. Elementary Particle Physics
               6. Corrosion and Coatings
               7. Magnetic Devices and Instrumentation
               8. Applied Optics and High Temperature Density Physics
               9. Materials Science and Polymer Physics
               10. Applied Radiation
               11. Radio astronomy
               12. Optical Astronomy
               13. Nuclear Physics
               14. Nuclear Astrophysics
               15. Stellar Astrophysics

               Research  facilities  determine  how  nature  can  be  understood.  The
               Department  of  Physics  has  a  laboratory  for  centralised  facilities  to
               support various research activities. Major facilities include TEM, FE-
               SEM, SEM-EDX, XRD, AFM, FT-IR, PL, TLD Reader, OMA, Co-60
               irradiator and HPGe Gamma spectrometer, TGA, DSC, DMA, UV-VIS-
               NIR  Spectrometer,  Field  Emission  Auger  Microprobe,  Flame
               Hydrolysis Deposition system, Mask Aligner, 1 m grazing incidence
               Spectrometer, DC sputtering system etc.

               Other  research  facilities  available  in  the  Department  include  high-
               speed  diagnostic  systems  such  as  streak  cameras,  fast  digital
               oscilloscopes,  spectrum  analyzers,  thin  film  preparation  systems,
               clean room and gas handling facilities, high-power laser, picosecond

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