Page 251 - FINAL_HANDBOOK_20242025
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2024/2025
31. Design and implementation of neuron networks.
32. Intelligent circuit.
33. IT usage and physics education.
34. Vacuum spark discharge as a EUV source for next-generation
35. Complex dynamics in dusty plasmas.
36. Anomalous transports in disordered materials.
37. Transports phenomena in nanostructures.
38. Quantum Brownian motion.
39. Stochastic field theories using fractional calculus.
40. Description of electroweak interactions of hadrons.
41. Transport mechanism, spectroscopic and morphological studies of
gel polymer electrolytes.
42. Studies of ion-conducting polymers.
43. Structural and electrical characterization of Langmuir-Blodgett
organic thin films of photosynthetic biomaterials (PBMs)
reconstituted into “artificial membranes”.
44. Development of biomaterials-based nano-gaps, nano-patterning
and device fabrication.
45. Algae-derived biophotovoltaic studies.
46. Hierarchical nanostructured metal oxide dye-sensitized solar cells.
47. Low defect density pristine graphene.
48. Graphene/metal oxide nanocomposites for solar energy
49. Magnetic properties of graphene.
50. Construction of noise measurement system for magnetic thin film
51. Description of Electroweak Interactions of Hadrons.
52. Epitaxial growth of III-V nitride-based semiconductors and
fabrications of nano-electronic devices.
53. Gravitational field around Galaxies, Stars and Planets with
Elliptical shape.
54. Femtosecond Laser Science.
55. DNA electronics research to enable detection of DNA base pairs
conductivity to enable genomic sequencing, detection of blood
borne pathogens etc.
56. Preparation of graphene thin film for application as anodes for fuel
cells and as transparent conductive film using the Langmuir-
Blodgett method.
57. Research into the antipathogenic/anticancer properties of
58. Preparation of inorganic nanoparticles (Ag, Au etc.) through the
normal and green synthesis process and their
antimicrobial/anticancer properties.