Page 123 - FULL FINAL HANDBOOK 20232024
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2023/2024

                                LIST OF COURSES ACCORDING TO SEMESTER
                                     (PLANNING OF COURSES)
                                BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MATHEMATICS

                                          YEAR 1
                 COMPONENT      SEMESTER 1         SEMESTER 2    TOTAL
                             COURSE     CREDIT   COURSE   CREDIT

                          GLT xxxx            GLT xxxx
                          English Courses     English Courses
                          (subject to MUET   2   (subject to MUET   2
                          bands)              bands)
                 University                                        8
                          GIG1012 / GLT1017*   GIG1013
                          Philosophy and Current   Appreciation of
                          Issues / Basic Malay   2   Ethics and   2
                          Language*           Civilisations

                          SIX1016        3    Science, Technology   2
                          Statistics          and Society

                          SIM1001        4    Ordinary Differential   4
                          Basic Mathematics   Equations
                 Core Courses                                      26

                          SIM1002        4    SIM1003       4
                          Calculus I          Calculus II

                          SIM1004             SIM1005
                          Fundamentals of   3   Fundamentals of   2
                          Computing           Spreadsheets

                          Student Holistic    Student Holistic
                          Empowerment (SHE)   Empowerment (SHE)
                          Cluster 2: Emotional,   Cluster 1: Thinking   4
                 Elective   Physical and Spiritual   2   Matters: Mind and   2
                 Courses   Intelligence: Heart, Body   Intellect
                          and Soul
                          GQX0056 Integrity and
                          Anti-Corruption Course
                 TOTAL                   20                 18     38
               *Only for international students.

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