Page 202 - FULL FINAL HANDBOOK 20232024
P. 202

Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2023/2024

               geology.   Students   will   be   SII2004   SEDIMENTOLOGY
               introduced  to  the  concept  of
               geoethics,  the  responsibilities  of   This course touches on methods
               geologists to the public, and ethics   of  describing  and  classifying
               in  research  and  professional   sediments and sedimentary rocks,
               practice. This course also covers   including  siliciclastic,  carbonates
               safety  in  the  practice  of  geology   etc.  This  course  also  discusses
               including  in  the  field,  laboratory   the  origin  and  processes  of
               and workplace.                  formation,   transportation   and
                                               deposition  of sediments,  and  the
               Assessment Methods:             process  of  transformation  of
               Continuous assessment: 100%     sediments into sedimentary rocks
                                               via  diagenesis.  The  method  of
                                               interpretation  of  interpreting  past
                    LEVEL 2 COURSES            depositional  history  using  facies
                                               analysis is also taught.
               SII2002       APPLIED  GEOLOGY
               FIELD COURSE                    Assessment Methods:
                                               Continuous assessment: 40%
               Principles  and  techniques  of   Examination           : 60%
               geological fieldwork and field data
               acquisition.  Preparing  geological   SII2005      IGNEOUS  AND
               maps  using  manual  and  digital   METAMORPHIC PETROLOGY
               methods.  The  course  involves
               four  weeks  of  fieldwork  covering   Classification  of  igneous  rocks.
               general   geological   mapping,   Magma   evolution   and
               structural        geology,      petrogenetic processes. Diversity
               sedimentology,  and  economic   of igneous rock. Definition, Types
               geology.                        of   metamorphism   and   their
                                               limitations.  Depth  zones,  facies,
               Assessment Methods:             and  reaction  in  metamorphism.
               Continuous assessment: 100%     Microscope study of Igneous and
                                               metamorphic rock.
               SII2003      STRUCTURAL
               GEOLOGY                         Assessment Methods:
                                               Continuous assessment: 40%
               Principles   of   deformation.   Examination          : 60%
               Morphology  and  classification  of
               geological structures. Mechanism   SII2006   PALEONTOLOGY
               of  faulting,  folding  and  related
               structures.   Stereographic     Study    of    invertebrate
               projections  of  geological  data.   macrofossils,  trace  fossils,  and
               Description,  interpretation  and   plant   fossils   in   terms   of
               analysis  of  geological  structures   morphology,   taxonomy,
               and structural geology maps.    palaeoecology,   biostratigraphy,
                                               evolution            and
               Assessment Methods:             palaeobiogeography.
               Continuous assessment: 40%
               Examination          : 60%

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