Page 204 - FULL FINAL HANDBOOK 20232024
P. 204

Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2023/2024

               Diffraction   (XRD),   X-Ray    SII2014  KARST
               Fluorescence  (XRF),  Inductively   GEOMORPHOLOGY AND
               Coupled  Plasma  (ICP)  and  Gas   CONSERVATIONS
               Spectrometry (GCMS) to conduct   Karst   characteristics   from
               analyses  on  a  range  of  samples   scientific   and   management
               often    encountered   in       perspective.        Karst
               geochemistry, hydrogeology, and   geomorphology  and  lithological
               organic geochemistry.           control that gives karst landscape
                                               its   specific   characteristics
               Assessment Methods:             including  the  global  distribution.
               Continuous assessment: 100%     Issues pertaining karst area such
                                               as  sinkholes  and  rockfalls,  and
               SII2012      GEOLOGICAL  DATA   engineering  problems  associated
               ANALYSIS                        with   karst   are   emphasized.
                                               Geochemistry of karst waters are
               In  this  course,  student  will  learn   studied   in   conjunction   with
               how to use the different method of   environmental   issues.   Karst
               data analysis, and how to use ICT,   landscape and deposit are used to
               graphics   software   and       examine  for  the  evidence  of
               programming software to analyze   environmental   and   climatic
               geological and geoscience data.   change.  Case  studies  are  used
                                               throughout   the   course   and
               Assessment Methods:             emphasis  is  placed  on  the
               Continuous assessment: 40%      challenges faced by people living
               Examination          : 60%      in  karst  areas  and  conservation
                                               value of karst landscapes.
               SII2013 MARINE GEOLOGY
                                               Assessment Methods:
               Many of the processes that impact   Continuous assessment: 40%
               the   Earth   system   occur    Examination          : 60%
               completely  or  partly  below  the
               oceans. Some of these processes   SII2015      CLIMATE  CHANGE
               act  on  geologic  time  scales,   AND ADAPTATION
               affecting mountain belts and their
               shapes,  forming  ore  deposits,   This   course   provides   a
               changing  Earth’s  climate,  and   fundamental insight on our global
               depositing rock units that we use   climate  systems.  The  concept  of
               as   aquifer   or   that   trap   climate  models  and  the  role  of
               hydrocarbons.  Other  processes   Earth’s  carbon  cycle  on  climate
               act   more   quickly,   causing   will be introduce. This course also
               earthquakes  and  tsunamis,  or   explores  why  climate  change
               possibly  affecting  Earth’s  climate   adaptation is important to human
               on  the  timescale  of  a  human   development,  case  study  of
               lifespan.                       Bangladesh,  Europe  US  and
                                               Africa  will  be  discussed.  The
               Assessment Methods:             course  ends  with  discussing  the
               Continuous assessment: 40%      consequences  of climate  change
               Examination          : 60%      to  our  society,  and  relates  the

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