Page 208 - FULL FINAL HANDBOOK 20232024
P. 208
Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2023/2024
SII3019 ORGANIC PETROLOGY Evolution of Earth’s atmosphere,
lithosphere, biosphere, and
Study of organic matter from the hydrosphere. Introduction to
perspective of sedimentology and Archean, Proterozoic and
petroleum geology which include Phanerozoic sequences, and their
coal formation, petrographic inferences about the conditions of
composition of coal, origin of Earth. The changing
macerals, correlation of coal paleogeography and the events
facies with depositional that occurred during the
environment, coalification respective geologic times. The
process, vitrinite reflectance relationship between life and the
analysis and kerogen typing. This sediments, the oceans, and the
also includes studies on visual atmosphere of the planet.
kerogen typing. Findings of this
course will be used for Assessment Methods:
applications in petroleum Continuous assessment: 40%
exploration and coal-related Examination : 60%
Assessment Methods:
Continuous assessment: 40% EXPLORATION
Examination : 60% In this course, various types of
mineral and mining exploration
SII3020 INDUSTRIAL techniques are introduced. The
MINERALS course also covers geochemical
prospecting, mining policy and
Knowledge and awareness about act. Industrial applications are
the important and development of
various industrial mineral and illustrated using case studies.
other related mineral-based
industries including clay mineral. Assessment Methods:
Broad aspects of industrial Continuous assessment: 40%
mineral in term of geological Examination : 60%
occurrence, distribution,
marketing, economic and SII3023 GEOLOGICAL SITE
application technology. INVESTIGATION
Assessment Methods: Description, classification and
Continuous assessment: 50% characteristics of rock material,
Examination : 50% rock mass and aggregates.
Methods site investigation.
SII3021 TECTONICS AND Geological terrain mapping and
analysis. Site investigations for
Introduction to the theory of Plate various engineering structures
Tectonic. Extensional, and works.
compressional and strike-slip
tectonic regimes and their Assessment Methods:
associated regional structures. Continuous assessment: 40%