Page 230 - FULL FINAL HANDBOOK 20232024
P. 230
Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2023/2024
Physics experiments on the topics of mechanics.
Physics experiments on the topics of electricity.
Physics experiments on the topics of magnetism.
Physics experiments on the topics of optics and modern physics.
Assessment Method:
Continuous Assessment: 100%
Sinusoidal vibrations: Description of simple harmonic motion, The rotating-vector representation,
Rotating vectors and complex numbers, Complex exponential in waves, Superposed vibrations
in one dimension, Two superposed vibrations of equal frequency.
Superposed vibrations of different frequency: beats, Many superposed vibrations of the same
frequency, Combination of two vibrations at right angles, Perpendicular motions with equal
Perpendicular motions with different frequencies: Lissajous figures, Free vibrations of physical
systems; basic mass-string problem, Solving the harmonic oscillator equation using complex
exponentials, Damped oscillations, Forced vibrations and resonance, Undamped oscillator with
harmonic forcing, Complex exponential method for forced oscillations, Forced oscillations with
damping, transient phenomena, Power absorbed by a driven oscillator.
Coupled oscillators and normal modes: Two coupled pendulums, Superposition of normal
modes, Normal frequencies - general analytical approach, Forced vibration and resonance for
two coupled oscillators.
Progressive waves: what is a wave?, Normal modes and travelling waves, Progressive waves
in one direction, Superposition of wave pulses.
Dispersion: phase and group velocities
Assessment Method:
Final Examination: 60%
Continuous Assessment: 40%
History and developement of Physics Quantum
Mathematical background: Complex numbers, second order differential equations, eigenvalues
and eigenvectors, integrals
Limitations of classical physics
Basic principles: wave functions, eigen functions, superposition principles, quantum mechanical
postulates and probability density, uncertainty in measurements, Heisenberg uncertainty
principles, space representation and momentum representation, measurement effect,
commutators and constant of motion, equation of flux continuity, probability, Ehrenfest theorem.
Time independent Scrodinger equation : Infinite square well, stationery states, infinite square
well, free particle, step potential, square well potential and barrier potential, harmonic oscillator.
Assessment Method:
Final Examination: 60%
Continuous Assessment: 40%