Page 232 - FULL FINAL HANDBOOK 20232024
P. 232
Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2023/2024
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Mutliple integrals: integrated integrals; applications of Integrations; double and triple integrals
in cartesian coordinates; double and triple integrals in polar coordinates; change of variables in
integrals; Jacobian; surface integrals.
Vector analysis: applications of vector multiplication; triple products; differentiation and partial
differentiation of vectors; integration of vectors; scalar and vector fields; directional derivative;
unit normal vectors; gradient; divergence of a vector function; curl of a vector function;
Laplacian; vector operators in polar coordinates; line integrals: scalars and vectors; Green’s
Theorem in a plane; divergence and divergence theorem; Curl and Stoke’s Theorem.
Tensors: coordinate-system transformation; basis vector transformation; non-orthogonal
coordinate systems; dual basis vectors; finding covariant and contravariant components; index
notation; quantities that transform contravariantly and covariantly; concepts of covariance and
contravariance beyond vectors; covariant, contravariant, and mixed tensors; tensor addition
and subtraction; tensor multiplication; metric tensor; general curvilinear coordinates; index
raising and lowering; tensor derivatives and Christoffel symbols; covariant differentiation;
vectors and one-forms; tensor applications
Ordinary differential equations: separable equations; first-order linear homogenous and non-
homogeneous equations; second-order linear homogeneous and nonhomogeneous equations.
Assessment Method:
Final Examination: 60%
Continuous Assessment: 40%
This course examines the interaction between science, technology and society from various
perspectives. It provides discussion on the impacts of science and technology (S&T) progress
on society, and vice versa. The discussions comprise the various main aspects of S&T Studies,
namely scientific research and development, sustainable development, ethics and values,
history and philosophy, economics, policy and management. Such combination encourages
communication of diverse diciplines and students will better appreciate the complex ways in
which science, technology and society interact. Based on this understanding, students will
debate on the status, issues and challenges of selected S&T activities in the local context.
Assessment Method:
Final Examination: 60%
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Introduction to statistics; Experimental and observational studies; Display and organisation of
data; Descriptive statistics; Population and samples; Sampling methods; Basic probability